From: Monique Hummel Australian Restoration Newsletter - December 2022 Issue Dear Saints Attached is the December Issue of the Australian Restoration Newsletter - the final for 2023. Thank you again for your continued support and to all of those wonderful people who contributed throughout the year. Your help is very much appreciated! Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Holiday Season. |
AROUND AND ABOUT THE CENTRE PLACE As the words to one song says, "GOD ONLY KNOWS..." Only God knew what 2022 was going to bring to the world, and now we are nearing the end, again, Only God Knows what is in store for us and the world in 2023. As we find ourselves in various states of concern, hope, etc. we always faith and trust in our God, who because He knows all things has promised that He would be with us always. We are all very much aware that the entire life of Christ is vitally important to our salvation. But His earthly life had to start just like ours, as a baby. The scriptures tell us much about the birth, Christ's genealogy and many events in His life. The Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants both compliment these things very well. "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6. "...and they shall call his name Emmanuel, (which being interpreted, is, God with us." Matthew 2:6 IV. These scriptures among the many others are God's word to man. In today's world, maybe more than at any other time in history, mankind is turning away from anything and everything that has to do with God, religion, or simply natural vs unnatural, or good and bad. If a person does not want to believe in God or that we are bound to follow God's commandments, they just say, "I don't believe in a God, if there is one." In Genesis 5:4 in the Inspired Version, it reads, "But, behold, also Cain hearkened not, saying, Who is the Lord, that I should know him?" This seems to be what is happening in the United States and all over the world, which would indicate that there will be "Spiritual showdown" in the near future. The situation in the USA is extremely critical to the future of our nation and the world. The USA/world and the Church have not fulfilled our purposes and thus stand in the path of God's judgment. BUT, JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD IS COME! Our challenge is to stay on the straight and narrow path, holding on to the Rod of Iron. God bless each of you as you finish this year and embark into 2022, boldly going where no man has ever been, But God is already there. Trust and Obey, there is NO other way. As always, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is our ultimate example. In every situation, He was guided by the instructions given to Him by His Father. This is shown clearly in Matthew 4:1-10 when, after having been led by the Spirit, into the wilderness to be with God, and fasting for 40 days and nights, and had communed with God, was left to be tempted of the devil, Jesus, in all three temptations, used the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, when He said, "It is written...." We must know the Word of God well enough so that at every encounter with the adversary or those who work with the adversary, we will know how to use the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, as we are told in Ephesians 6:17. Remember also, that often, the adversary's helpers are wolves among the sheep. As Jesus responded in the first temptation, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Amen and Amen! The Saints of Australia are to be commended for taking advantage of modern technology to stay in touch with each other. This is most vital to us in these trying times. Most everything has been curtailed due to the virus and the fear it has inflicted in the lives of many people. Please know, this is not all just about a virus. Look for the deeper, hidden agenda of our governments. Most all Branches in the US are back to meeting regularly in their buildings. Centre Place Restoration School (CPRS) is functioning very well this year with an enrollment over 200, which is good. The Conference of Restoration Elders (CRE) and Pastors of Zion (POZ) are doing the best they can. Many things are still being done with Zoom technology, but the Spring Gathering, Summer Reunion, and Fall Gathering all went very well. Four to seven Branches in the Independence area have started monthly meetings on the first Sunday evening and third Wednesday of each month. These have gone very well so far. The purpose is just for worship and fellowship. On Sunday night, November 6, 2022, 250 Saints from 15-20 Branches met for a worship service. It was a very good service featuring Shaun Turner, Chair of the POZ and Sean Allen, pastor of the Odessa, MO Branch which is in central Missouri. The two sermons can be viewed on the Colbern Road website Two teams of missionaries were in Africa in November, but the efforts are still curtailed in other parts of the world. Brother Eric Odida, from Kenya, was here for the CRE Priesthood Assembly in Kirtland, Ohio...A strong effort is also being made to encourage Saints to witness to their neighbors. Each One Win One has been a church motto since the 1940's. It is still our calling today. Read Alma 4:6. God bless. Love to all. RICHES FROM THE SCRIPTURES Vol 5 Chapter 21 Most of us love the Book of Mormon with its rich testimony of Jesus Christ and incredible examples of Faith. Today we will be focusing on the Faith of Sariah, Lehi’s wife. Lehi had great faith and was obedient to God’s commandments and God richly rewarded him with remarkable experiences of enlightenment and instruction that was relevant for the exact days in which he lived, one of which commanded him to take his family and flee into the wilderness before they were killed by evil men who hated the testimony Lehi had given against them, telling of the destruction of Jerusalem because of their sins against the living God. Sariah on the other hand was a faithful wife who loved her husband and believed the words God had spoken unto him. But as for herself she was acting in faith, believing her husband to be a good man and a man of God. Not as yet having a testimony or witness of her own. She was to endure much hardship and worry in the days and years to come, leaving all they had ever known, losing a place and life where she had felt security, known wealth and the support of friends. We will now read first about one of Lehi’s experiences. [1 Nephi 1:1] I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days--nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days; yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. Lehi was richly blessed and acted not only on faith but also in knowledge of the things God had personally witnessed unto him must come to pass giving him very strong testimony that what he was doing was true and correct, allowing him to confidently leave all behind. Put yourself in Sariah’s shoes, she had not received a witness as yet and was acting entirely in faith and trust. Let’s look at when Sariah received her witness. God knew that Lehi’s family would become a great nation of people and that they would need the scriptures to ensure their people did not perish and dwindle because of unbelief, therefore He gave great challenges unto the Brothers, delivering them from the hands of Laban and giving them the laws of God which would be taught for many generations into the future. By doing this God also put in place all the ingredients that would challenge Sariah to her very core, causing her question the validity of their journey into the unknown. Then giving her sons back to her alive and well under miraculous circumstances that could only be accomplished if God were truly in this journey supporting their every move while ever they exercised faith in him. You could say that God set the stage for the benefit of the entire family. From this point onwards, there was no family member who wasn’t granted a strong foundation upon which the take their journey of faith, they had all known the matchless goodness of God. If we were to read further we would find that most of them murmured and sinned from time to time under the huge burden which they bore as they travelled. But together they made it to the promised land along with Ishmaels family which allowed them to multiply and fill the whole promised land with their children, which had its humble beginnings in God speaking to a man called Lehi, bringing his family into a safe situation, avoiding the great destruction of Jerusalem. I hope as you have read these words that you have thought over your own life and times you possibly questioned the validity of the Restored Gospel because of the challenges you have born. Remember that these are the sifting times when we all shall be thrown up into the wind many times, causing the chaff to be blown away and those of us who are the grain having substance shall come down finding our place again amongst believers. It is alarming that many in the restoration have started to fall away, seeking after strange doctrines. Satan is going about as a raging lion devouring who he will making the Journey to Zion a very difficult one. However, like Lehi’s family the beginning of the Restoration was filled with remarkable testimony setting the stage for a journey of Faith. People like Nephi asked the Lord if what his Father had told them was true and God answered him. We too can ask at any time for testimony to help us accomplish what God has in mind for us. Never give up, never let go of the Rod of Iron, or you shall wander from the path and be lost. May we all be blest to make a difference for God, is my prayer for you in the name of Christ, Amen. ~ FREELY GIVEN ~ And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: the first, Simon, who is called Peter; and Andrew, his brother; James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew, the publican; James, the son of Alpheus, and Lebbeus, whose surname was Thaddeus; Simon, the Canaanite; and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying, SERVICE SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 2022 Sunday Worship Service Wednesday Prayer Everyone is welcome to join our online services at any time. If you, or anyone you know would like to participate, please email Elder Danny Archer at; to register. Information on how to connect will be sent to you. Please note, you must have access to the internet for this service. Please include in your daily prayers the following people who are in need of a blessing. INFORMATION TO THE EDITOR CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST - KINGSTON RESTORATION BRANCH 17-19 Juers Street, Kingston, Queensland. Pastor: Elder Noel Rowlatt. Phone 07 3824 8386 Sunday 4th 10:00am COMMUNION SERVICE Elder Gary Melling Assisted By Priest Glenn Kerswell 12:15pm BRANCH BUSINESS MEETING Monday 5th 6:30pm PRIESTHOOD MEETING - Online Ordination Service – Priest Peter Laurence Churchill was ordained to the office of Elder in the Melchizedec Priesthood on Sunday 13th November 2022 by Elders Noel Rowlatt (Spokesman), Neville Churchill and Gary Melling. Elder Danny Archer flew from Sydney to be in attendance. Elder Peter Archer and Sister Helen Archer were unable to attend due to COVID 9 exposure. Annual Christmas Luncheon – Over the years members have provided all of the meal with the exception of the meat for which the branch paid. This year, age, ill health and the pressure of work has plagued some of our ladies, so it has been decided that the branch will cover the cost of the complete meal. We are very grateful to Sister Linda Myers who has accepted again, the responsibility of planning the meal. If Sister Linda requires any help she will contact you direct. It is imperative, if you are intending coming, that you register as soon as possible with her so that quantities for purchases can be estimated. Linda’s contact details are: Phone 0409 874 330 Email The Ordination of Peter Churchill to the Office of Elder, |
Elders Noel Rowlatt, Neville Churchill and Gary Melling. |
Micah, Ngaia and Lauren Game |
Kingston Branch wishes all a very happy, healthy and safe Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. |
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