Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 From: Zionworkz




In the last newsletter, dated November 17, 2022, there was a statement that was presumptuous and wrong, and probably rightly caused ire and rejection. The statement was, “Zionworks is called from God to be the working arm of the Restoration folks in Jackson County and beyond for the establishing of Zionic living.”

This is my apology, retraction and correction. Zionworks’ call is to be a catalyst and an example. Its call is no more important than Christ’s call to each individual to understand how possible and do-able our commission is to build Zion. The people themselves and the entire Restoration (those who have remained faithful to and have not adulterated the pure gospel as from the Beginning and as restored) are called to be “the working arm for the establishment of Zion.” Zionworks’ call is to be a resource with Christ’s scriptures and direction. It is an assemblage of people who are serious about the physical as well as the spiritual aspects of Zion and it doesn’t really need a name of its own. In other words, we’re not set apart from other people and we don’t have an agenda that’s separate from the church. I personally hope that the name “Zionworks” may evaporate soon as all of those God calls “His People” awaken to His call to work together for the reality of the “place of safety and refuge”, however that may happen.

Meanwhile, the urgency and necessity for Zion becomes hugely more apparent as the world and our nation become more unsustainable and living in God’s government becomes more attractive. The overall vision and plan God has for the establishment and operation of Zion is huge and complex (and marvelous). It seems to me, though, that starting off with faith and doing what each of us can do is a happy plan for God and us. With dedication and focus on Him, I think we are assured of the BEST possible outcome. God’s outcomes are never mediocre! Zionworkers will continue to seek to help the saints to understand the need for preparedness, what to prepare, share experience in how to prepare and support each other as best as we can in our individual, family and community efforts. We see Christ’s plan for his people to live safely and by his love in a society safe from the existing and coming terrors and privations. We will continue to commit to bringing workers together so they can associate, cooperate and reinforce each other and the church. Our purpose includes the mission to unleash each person’s purpose, determination and energy and to help bring to reality a people ready for Jesus’ return.


Many of us will be traveling and spending time with loved ones through this Thanksgiving week, so the work day planned for Saturday, the 26th will be postponed until December 3rd. Also the meeting for Sunday, November 27th will be postponed until December the 4th.


The last meeting, yesterday, was full of sincere sharing of hearts and cooperative and necessary ideas and plans. Among the topics were the practical necessities of envisioning Zion with all of its infrastructure needs. Guest, and I hope new member, Larry Canada, expounded on these needs in practical terms. Larry is a design engineer with a wide and applied range of experience. The need for a treasury for purchasing a grain mill and other equipment and supplies was again expressed. Also, the URGENCY TO BUY QUICKLY AND STOCK UP NOW on non-perishable food and provisions was expressed. The meeting vibrated with sincerity and energy focused on Zion. To quote Howard Cozart, “Real efforts need to be made in raising awareness of the situation the nation faces…Zion is a new government…” See D&C Section 38 and the Preparedness Guide concordance for “government”, “king” and related topics.

In the next meeting, Gary Metzger will be presenting on God’s specific associations with specific guidelines and instructions for operating under His directions in Zion. Kevin Romer, bishop of the Remnant will be presenting soon on pertinent aspects of Zion. His perspective will be revealing. Also soon, Bob Moore will be expounding on his book “The Course to the Redemption of Zion” and the applications of its information.

In our coming meetings, it will be vital for the committees and individuals to provide means to ensure that the survival and well-being of our members are assured. We pray for an awareness among all of God’s people to get prepared for calamities coming.


“There is a very difficult transition from wanting something badly and deciding to give up everything for it.” Scott Stayton

With Christ as our bond,
Jim Huseby, preparedness chairman

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