Monday, June 3, 2024

The May/June, 2024, Restoration Voice Will Be Mailed Soon


The May/June, 2024, Restoration Voice Will Be Mailed Soon

RV 275 Cover

If you are not presently on the subscription list, you can be.

In an effort to increase circulation, we are offering FREE 1-year subscriptions (6 issues) to Restoration Voice magazine for new subscribers. We have been blessed with funds which allow us to continue this offer through December, 2024.

E-mail to or mail to Cumorah Books, Inc., PO Box 2257, Independence, MO 64055 to start a subscription for yourself and for your friends. You can request subscriptions for all your family members and friends. We need the name, complete correct address, and phone number for each subscriber.

In our next regular mailing, we will send the current issue and the previous issue of Restoration Voice. We will then mail four additional issues. Later, we will send an envelope to each subscriber so we can be advised about continuing the subscription.

We appreciate the response from several readers who have sent requests for a few dozen friends. We have added more than 500 new subscribers in the past few months. You can help to add more!

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