Saturday, June 22, 2024

Zionworks News for June 18th, 2024

 Zionworks News for June 18th, 2024


Jesus is busy. He has a lot of work to do and an incredible amount and scope of work going on in the world and probably in Heaven. We might say his plate is full. The world is full of hate, deception and destruction. It’s past the tipping point. No human effort or organization can return the earth to self-sustaining, virtuous government. No efforts other than Godly efforts can ensure people’s future -- their and our future safety and happiness. There ARE Godly efforts by Godly people, attempting to bring truth, health and well-being to endangered people around the globe. These efforts, themselves, operate under great danger and duress from enemies trying to discredit and destroy them. In our own country, truth and justice are treated with hate and contempt by the left, and of course, by the main-stream media. This results, therefore, in generating general low-grade babble among a large percentage of the populace. Our country’s educational system teaches moral filth and trash while teaching contempt for virtue. Our own people are caught up in it, largely because truth is now so obscured and because discernment requires full-time effort that can only bear fruit through full-time dedication to Christ – who is truth.

So, yes, there is a universe of overwhelming work for Christ’s followers to do. Can all of this massive work be broken down into happily manageable tasks for each of us? Breathe a big sigh of relief: of course, it can. Our Creator created us to be happy and fulfilled. He created each of us with our own gifts, our own challenges and our own responsibilities. He intends for us to apply those special abilities for each other in the Big Effort, his Heaven-like life existence on the earth. This is Christ’s goal for us; it is what he referred to when asked how to pray. He said, “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” He doesn’t speak meaningless rhetoric. If he said it, it is meant to be – it is the reality and not the deception. No unclean thing can reside in Heaven and we can be sure that no hateful and deceptive thing thing can reside in His kingdom on the earth!

Back to the daunting tasks and duties laid upon us. There is a delightful hymn containing the phrase, “to make this duty our delight”. This is an eternal truth and correct attitude. Sadly though, and seemingly unfairly, some of us have duties and conditions in our lives that are so heart-breaking and trying, so burdensome and unrelenting, so painful that they exceed human endurance. We must come to each others’ aid in those situations and bear each others’spiritual, mental and physical burdens. We are aware that these situations also exist around the world. Our pain and concern for them is not relieved by the fact that they are far away where we can’t see them. Christ’s kingdom on the earth is to be a place of safety and refuge for them.

Jesus said, “Let us reason together…” For his kingdom on the earth to be a physical reality, all of his pure-in-heart need to have means to communicate with each other freely under his blessings and on his pure terms, free of prejudice among ourselves. Zionworks was called into existence for that purpose; to reason together in prayer and under Jesus’ guidance to apply each of our talents and responsibilities for his kingdom on the earth. We pray to hear Jesus directions and to happily apply them, while being aware of all scriptures he has given in the past. Please join us in this reasoning and praying together this coming Sunday afternoon.


NEXT MEETING: This coming Sunday, June 23rd, 2:00pm at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence. Agenda: All needs of the Kingdom, improving the web site, preparing for the gathering of Jesus’ pure-in-heart, work day and other event planning. After adjournment: useful and interesting items at the bartering table, interesting conversations.


For questions or comments, please contact 816 690 8464, 816 694 2284, or see our yet-uncompleted website,

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

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