Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Zionworks News for June 5th, 2024


Zionworks News for June 5th, 2024


Noah preached for 120 years that God would destroy all wickedness from off the world by a flood even if the earth itself would have to be destroyed in the process. Millions or billions of people simply refused to hear it, though all of the populace was aware of the message. The world population at that time is estimated to have been between 750,000 and 100 billion with some theorists settling on a figure of about four billion. By comparison, today’s world population is a little over eight billion, the U.S. about 340 M, India and China about 1.4 B each, Russia about 144.4 M, and the United Kingdom about 68 M.

Indications are that the average human intellect at Noah’s time was at least as powerful as the average human intellect today. So, it is reasonable to expect there was much civilization, industry and trade and for there to have been many philosophical and religious persuasions and possibly that many of them even professed belief in God and in his only begotten, Jesus. So, why did most all of these people turn a blind or distrusting eye to Noah’s message from God? Considering that human characteristics never change, we can look at today’s conditions, persuasions and attitudes and get a good sampling of why masses of people reject their own loving Creator and prefer prejudice, suspicion, religiosity, better-than-thou-ness, enmity and imagined offenses. Most of us hope to be among the saveable – among those who have repentant and teachable attitudes – and we hope and pray that is the case for others, knowing that it is not up to us judge, and knowing that God wants souls happy, secure and assured. I am pretty sure that I am aquainted with a number of people that God would judge worthy and trustworthy to have a place and a stewardship in His kingdom. There must be many from around the world that He considers His. So we wonder…

Only eight souls entered the ark and survived the flood. Was it because of where they had placed their hopes, faith, dedication and energies? We wonder…did Noah ever get discouraged or ever begin to doubt the authenticity of his mission? Was he broken-hearted by the scoffing and rejection? Did the populace get tired of the message after 120 years? How bad must things get before Christ sets the world right in our time? What can I/we do to affect the present course of history?

Be assured of this: No amount of mocking, no amount of doubt, no amount of rejection and no religion or philosophy could negate the bold validity and urgency of Noah’s message and mission. The flood was on its way, on schedule. Human nature always being the same: no amount of mocking, doubt, scoffing or persuasion can change the validity or urgency of the destruction of Babylon headed our way or postpone our calling to get out of Babylon and prepare a place of safety and refuge for Christ’s pure in heart. Pray mightily for His direction for yourself. Pray that all of His obedient will be drawn together in his love. God’s ark of today, his kingdom on the earth will be your place of safety and fulfillment if you pray about it and invest yourself in it. He invites us.

EVENT: YOU ARE INVITED. Very informative. Zionworks has registered for this online conference at 1pm this Saturday, June 8th at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence. It’s free. PANDEMIC PROPHESIED IN REVELATION 18. This is about the World Health Organization and the Next Pandemic. There will be plenty of seating. Tell others. There will be conversation afterward. You may want to prepare by watching this video: God has a plan for you to escape this.

Our Amish friend and grocer, Leonard, from Lilac Lane in Windsor, MO has gone viral! You will enjoy this gentle man and his story on you tube at .



No Work day.

One of our ladies told us about this: How To Build an Off-Grid Washing machine and washing soap. Bring: (1) One clean 5-gallon bucket with lid. Optional: bring another 5-gal. bucket and a toilet plunger. (2) A clean cheese grater (3) A min. of one bar of Fels Naptha soap. This is sponsored by the LDS church as a community event with no strings attached. 9:00 to 11:00 AM, 745 W. Walnut, Independence



Father’s Day weekend. No meeting or work day.


Next Zionworks meeting, at Central Branch 919 S. Delaware, Independence. Agenda: Plan work days, plan all aspects of living independent of Babylon, praying together, fellowship and friendships. Bartering table for fun and items of usefulness.


For questions and comments, please call 816 690 8464, 816 838 1593 or email

With Christ and His love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

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