Thursday, July 11, 2024






Greetings to all the dear Saints around God’s kingdom on earth,


Remembering that the phrases, “The kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven” are held to mean the same thing, what does the phrase, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” mean to you?


In reading the daily devotional for July 10, 2024, Helaman 2:96 caught my attention with these words, “Repent ye, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…” This is listed as being about 30 B.C. This is identical to the words of John the Baptist in Matthew 3:28 and the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:16. There are interesting correlations also in Doctrine and Covenants 6:2 a and 5 e. as well as Genesis 6:59.


A person responded to my letter last week with this question, “Is it not past time to be more boldly specific and detailed about the "commandments" we all are not keeping?” Who can and has been more specific in what is required of us, more diligent in reminding us of our duties, more strait forward and clear as to what He expects of us, and still showers us with His love and blessings, in spite of our not doing His will than GOD?


God, from the beginning to the present time has spoken of His Kingdom and what is required of those who would be part of that Kingdom. Repentance, obedience to His commandments, and being actively involved in activities that build up the kingdom and establish His righteousness seem to be some of the main requirements for entrance to God’s Kingdom.


We are told to preach nothing but repentance. Did you notice in Genesis 6:59 what it says about repentance? Why were those the first words from John the Baptist and Jesus? Why did Moroni leave us with his final words in chapter 10:27-30? Why were we admonished in 1976 in Doctrine and Covenants 152, as it reads, whether you accept a message through W. Wallace Smith or not? What if we had heeded that counsel then?


Jesus, of course, is the greatest Teacher of all because He is the One who gave the law and commandments. He is the one who gave us the “Keys to the Kingdom,” in the Sermon on the Mount.

Compare the Inspired Version in Matthew chapters four and five with the King James. Especially note Matthew chapter five verses 1-4. Go over the Blesseds (Beatitudes) and rate yourself on each one.

Are you poor in spirit, have you come unto Christ, do you mourn for your sins, are you meek, do you hunger and thirst after righteousness, are you merciful, are you a peacemaker, have you been persecuted for HIS NAME’S SAKE? Read the promise for compliance with each of these keys.


No person has or ever can make the Way any clearer than God has done. Go back if you want to the two greatest commandments How much do we truly love God? Do we really love our neighbor as our selves? Do we forgive others as we expect God to forgive us? Read Matthew 6:9-16. Rather than having someone bold enough to tell us, perhaps we need to be honest enough with ourselves to really respond to God’s Word.


This letter is not intended to judge, criticize or chastise anyone. This letter is meant for me. If anyone else gains from it, PRAISE THE LORD!!


God bless

Paul Gage


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