Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Zionworks News for June 27th, 2024


Zionworks News for June 27th, 2024


At this moment several volunteers are working and have been working to help a man, Ray, relocate his belongings and equipment after his home burned. This has been a huge job over the last months. These volunteers simply showed up and stayed on the job because it was in their hearts to help and Ray was in real need. No official leadership was necessary. This kind of love and willingness typifies those individuals that are dedicated to Christ and have his love in their souls. There is joy in seeing these kinds of quiet manifestations of the Kingdom, while contempt for virtue is being shouted and acted out all around us. There is a fulfilling of the soul when these kinds of people, no matter who they are and where they are, can encounter each other and be at ease among each other, knowing that there is no guile or secular threat in the pure love of Christ.

These types of people, too busy to be distracted by prejudice and fear (rather than taught prejudice and distrust by religiosity and negative noise) will be, AND ARE, the types of people simply engaged in making Christ’s kingdom on earth a living reality. They dedicate their hopes, their dreams, and their specialized skills and gifts cooperatively to establish a thriving community, reliably based on Godly principles (and overdue to be established by those that claim to be His).


Just to see and enjoy robust virtue in bold action, have a short look at this heartening video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfhCL_uiNt4


Because of a scheduling conflict, the work day on the storehouse scheduled for this coming Saturday has been postponed until the next work day, July 13th. It works out very well since so much people power has already been spent on Ray’s needs.

NEXT MEETING: Let’s get our heads together on this. Some of us might be out of town on Sunday, July 7th, Independence Day weekend. Please email me if you’re not going to be able to be at the meeting on the 7th, so we can re-schedule and get the meeting notice out in the newsletter by July 1st in the afternoon. At the next meeting, whether it will be on July 7th or later, there is some serious agenda to tend to regarding specialized skills and gifts to be coordinated, and the needs to be met to see to thrival of the Kingdom. Please join in this vital effort. We hope to hear, at the meeting, from an individual who has made The Kingdom On Earth his life’s work and has much knowledge and practical experience, from architecture, to infrastructure, to city planning, to human nature to tell about. The meeting will be at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence at 2:00 PM.

NEXT WORK DAY: Saturday, July 13th, carpentry and organizing on the storehouse. 9:00 AM at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence at 9:00am

“…every man that will not take up his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety. And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war with one another.

Zionworks exists to facilitate this gathering of peace, unity and cooperative work amongst those Christ calls his to establish his kingdom on the earth.

Please have a look at the website, zionworks.org . Though not completed, it is full of resourceful information.


For questions or comments, please email zionworkz@protonmail.com or call 816-690 8464 or 816-694-2284.

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks

Jim Huseby, coordinator

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