Saturday, July 13, 2024

Zionworks News for July 10th, 2024


Zionworks News for July 10th, 2024


Last Sunday morning, July 7th, I was prayerfully contemplating how Christ wants us to live and how to relay His message. At 6:20 AM, I heard the Authoritative Voice say,”Be not Baalites”. That message tells us that, even today, Baalism permeates society and therefore that we are constantly and unavoidably encountering it. We are to be aware of that fact and know to avoid it. I had, of course, heard of Baal, but I had not heard the term “Baalite” before, so I did some investigation of Baal.

Many or most of you are familiar with Baal from studying the Old and New Testaments and related history, but I will give a quick summary of the phenomena from several sources. Baal – Canaanite/Phoenician god of fertility, rain and storms, typically described as male; a false god or idol. In ancient times (Does this still exist?) Baal was called “Lord of the earth”, “Lord of the heavens”, “King of gods”, “Lord” and “Prince”. The worship of Baal was integral with idol worship. Many other pagan gods were also associated with Baal and many of them were also called “Baal”. He was worshipped in many ancient middle-eastern cultures. He was worshipped in Egypt from about 1400 BC until about 320 years later. His worshippers believed that he consorted with his sister, and sired a divine bull calf by mating with a heifer. In the 9th century BC, Jezebel worked successfully to replace the Israelites’ worship of the True God, Our Father, with the worship of Baal and its associated practices.

Baal worship lured its participants towards sensuality and illicit sex since its practice involved ritual prostitution in the temples. That paganism exists today and that is why we are warned to avoid it. Its examples surround us. Present day deification of actresses and rock queens who are sex symbols and glorify illicit sex are a huge influence in today’s culture. Jesus called Satan “Beelzebub” after Baal-Zebub, a Philistine diety. (See Matt12:27 & 2 Kings 1:2).The Baalim (plural of Baal) were demons and were worshipped as gods. The idolatry that accompanies those beliefs is ultimately devil-worship. This permeates most of society today except those who withdraw from worldly ways and live among each other with Christ as their king and ruler and with his laws ruling them. As with the Old Testament admonitions before entering Canaan, we are to have NOTHING to do with Canaanism and Baal worship. From the beginning, our father in Heaven has instructed us to be separate from the world.

We are not to be the least enticed by any idea or practice alien to or inimical to the pure love of Christ and social interaction based on his model of the Kingdom on the earth, often termed “Zion”. Some very good information about the actuality of Christ’s Zion is found in the web site


A spiritual maverick is “an unbranded calf, cow or steer, a lone dissenter, such as an intellectual…who takes an independent stand apart from their peers…”. You can get an introduction to this presently fascinating phenomenon by watching the first two minutes, or the whole sixteen minutes of this video, You can register to be involved by clicking on this site,

WEDNESDAYS: At our last meeting, it was proposed that Zionworks and friends set aside Wednesdays as a day of prayers for Independence and its present and future leaders and for the city to be cleansed and become a resourceful refuge for those needing a home of spiritual intelligence, of physical safety, of friendly neighbors, of spiritual purity, of all healthy freedoms and of a populace bonded by the love of Christ. May we have these prayers in our hearts and words as we go about the work of the day.


“It’s time for Yaweh’s people to start doing things his way.” This impacted me when spoken by a friend who prefers to remain anonymous.

“…and the whole world lieth in sin and groaneth under darkness and the bondage of sin; and by this you may know they are under the bondage of sin, because they come not unto me; for whoso cometh not unto me is under the bondage of sin; and whoso receiveth not my voice is not aquainted with my voice and is not of me; and by this you may know the righteous from the wicked, and that the whole world groaneth under sin and darkness even now.” Doctrine and Covenance 83:7g-i


NEXT MEETING: This will start with a class on grains, their qualities, preservation and grinding, then demonstration on baking. Baked samples will be there to taste! Meeting agenda: getting on with the Lord’s direction for the Kingdom. There is always excellent prayer, fellowship and excellent discussion. The Holy Spirit often, if not always attends our meetings and workdays as well as a taste of Zion. You are invited to bring any intriguing and useful items to barter including gadgets, tools, supplies, food, produce, etc. to exchange or give away after the meeting. Normally there is also much visiting after adjournment. If you haven’t met us, we would like to meet you.


For questions or comments, please call 816 690 8464, 816 694 2284, or email .

With Christ and his love as our bond,

Your friends at Zionworks,

Jim Huseby, coordinator

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