Tuesday, January 3, 2023

IIAW Notes and Upcoming Events

 From: Muriel Luedeman


IIAW Notes and Upcoming Events

Hello, IIAW Unity Center Friends,

God's richest blessings for you all as we march into this fresh new year! I am impressed by a word from the Spirit, that as we embarque on this new time, aligning ourselves with the heart of the Father, our resolve will not fade as most resolutions do, but grow in strength and gain momentum, giving us all the encouragement and courage we need to press forward in Jesus.

Rally for Independence Report:
Three members of the IIAW Leadership Team held our first Rally for Independence at Living Hope Restoration Church, December 10th. About 30 people attended to hear Brother Dennis Cato speak about the history, vision, and future direction of the Independence Is Alive and Well Initiative. Since he was released as LDS Independence Stake President, Dennis will devote more time to connecting with more area churches to expand the influence of the body of Christ through churches in creating safe, stable, and vibrant neighborhoods and city, starting with the weakest and most vulnerable. The IIAW focuses on cooperating and collaborating with all faiths for the benefit of our city, agreeing and uniting under the banner of obeying two basic commandments, to love God and love our neighbors. If you would like for Brother Cato or other IIAW Leaders to speak to your group, please let me, Muriel Luedeman, know. I will set up a date and time for you to meet with Dennis. I am also available as Communications Secretary and Neighborhood Transformation Team Lead, to speak at any area church event. The IIAW has four years of experience and base of knowledge to help any person or group connect with and care for their neighbors.

TEAM JESUS is traveling and will not be doing a meal prep for Beloveds January 14th.

January 14, 9 - 11am, Neighborhood Clean Up, Unity Center Parking Lot, 803 W. 23rd Street. Decent weather providing - 40+ degrees, no precipitation, or strong winds. Wear warm layered clothing, gloves, hats, sturdy shoes. MODOT trash bags will be provided. Bring grabbers. If it is dry, we may do some sidewalk edging and cleaning, and work with neighbors on their properties, so bring rakes, shovels, brooms, loppers, trimmers, chain saws, etc. I will post on the weather conditions and areas we will be working closer to the 14th. If you know of a widow or older single person who needs some help, let me know. We may be able to assist during this Neighborhood Clean Up.

January 24, 6:30pm, IIAW Monthly Meeting, Unity Center

January 28, 2pm, Rally for Independence, Living Hope Restoration Church, 2425 S. Crysler Avenue, Green gym building in the rear of the property. All churches are welcome. We will be reporting on the Clean Up Day efforts, share information and neighborhood care tips, and strategize goals and projects for future months. It's a time to celebrate God's successes through us, share knowledge, and encourage each other in our individual and collective ventures for His cause. If you can't make it, please pray a blessing upon united the work at hand.

Thank you all for the generous support over the past four years. We are better together than we are alone.

Muriel Luedeman

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