Sunday, January 8, 2023


 From: Zionworkz


Dear saints and all people God calls “His people”,

The glory, the purpose and the reality of Christ’s Church Restored will always be a bright and inextinguishable sphere of truth. Christ is eternal, therefore his gospel is eternal and cannot be altered. “…all scripture given by God is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” Any attempt to alter, add to or subtract from it can only invalidate the one doing the tampering, but never the eternal gospel. We can make ourselves void and without light by disregarding the fullness of the gospel, yet the glory of the gospel will continue to illuminate all truth and life. Fullness of life is always shining and always inviting us to be entirely enlivened and fulfilled. All good pastors, Godly churches and good people have, as their goals and purposes, the determination to bring people into God’s love so that they can be healed, loved and nourished. The church, with its commission to provide spiritual food while it feeds, clothes and soothes the needy--- the church with all of its God-given powers and responsibilities remains inseparable from its commission to establish the physical kingdom, a physical community with homes, farms, roads, bridges, commerce. God gives us the awareness and desire for heaven and the desire for heavenly conditions to exist on the earth. Today and in the immediate future, that heaven on earth is the only sure means of survival. We are talking about physical survival AND the survival and preservation of souls.

Consider this; this heaven on earth will exist in and by celestial principles. Celestial principles are eternal and everlasting. Then the Kingdom of Heaven on earth should be everlasting. We are not building a temporary situation. Zion, the kingdom on earth, is the specific end goal and purpose of Christ’s restoration of the gospel. You and I signed up for this purpose, this happy and cooperative duty, when we were baptized! I use an exclamation point here because this is exciting!

When we see resistance to the full investment of our energies and resources in the church to Zion’s present urgency, it is discouraging and confusing. God’s church will always be attacked and infiltrated in ways that make us question the validity of the gospel with ideas and practices that weaken or displace true celestial experience, that influence us to gossip or believe gossip, that replace the operation of the spirit with media mentality, that replace the operation of the spirit in our congregations with pomp and self-importance and make people think and say that Zion must be delayed for another day. We must each of us be vigilant to any internal or external attitude that is not bright and Godly. That is our personal responsibility to Christ. How are we to perform under these attacks? What are our weapons and armament? We already know the answers, but let us reinforce ourselves with the answers once again. Our weapons are truth, love and long suffering. These Godly weapons both strengthen us and give flight to the enemy. We must perform with a surety gained by our focus on the gospel and our promise to God and his promise to us. This is what we will surely answer for when we face God at the bar of judgement. Be bold now and envision yourself standing before God receiving his approval. That is exactly what the challenges of life are for. We are in those challenges. Another exciting thing is that, to a great extent, we can be in these challenges together!

“And now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and to comfort those that stand in the need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things and all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection; that ye may have eternal life: Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord as a witness before him that you have entered into a covenant with him that you will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you? And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed, This is the desire of our hearts.” Mosiah 9:39-42

God warned about the treachery among nations and governments, the deaths and depopulation and the war on Christianity and sanity of these days and days coming in the Old Testament the New Testament, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. He instructed us to be ready with a kingdom of Godly love and resourcefulness. Many of these warnings and instructions are clearly and briefly illuminated in Zionworks’ welcome package and Preparedness Guide. Ask for it. It’s free.

Zionworks’ purpose remains to provide a means of associating for people that are enthusiastic about and understand the urgency of living in a Godly society, God’s kingdom on the earth, also referred to as Zion. Zion will be independent of the world’s socio-economic system, providing its own food, housing and all facets of living. It will thrive while all other systems fail. It will be a place of safety and refuge for the pure in heart around the world whose lives and freedom would otherwise be destroyed. Zionworks’ purpose is to encourage, enable and unleash God’s people to fulfill their God-given purposes through fellowship and cooperative effort. All aspects of building this community need our special skills and resources. Our meetings and activities help us along this endeavor. There are teams of experts and enthusiasts in building and sharing fundamental living skills, physical needs, medical needs, and life resources, but not enough! Visit us and join in this endeavor.


NEXT MEETING AND SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Sunday, January 15, 2:00 pm at Waldo Restoration Branch in the sanctuary. Of extreme interest, Bob Moore will be presenting on his book “THE COURSE OF ZION’S REDEMPTION”. He will be teaching as lead by the Spirit on the validity of Zion in our day and God’s instructions for us today for its establishment. Some other brief reports and exchanges of ideas on Zionic projects will be on the meeting agenda. Bring any item(s) that you would like to barter. There will be a table set up in the lobby for this fun experience during visiting time after the meeting. Also bring your questions and ideas.

LONG TERM FOOD PRESERVATION CLASS (all types of food and storage methods) and grain milling with various mills! Saturday, Jan. 21, 2:00 pm at Saint’s Haven Restoration Branch, 300 Chicago Ave, Sibley, in the basement. Knowing Kathy, this will be an excellent, info-packed class and demonstration with lots of equipment and real food. She will need your RSVP so each of us can have an information and instruction packet. Contact Kathy Williams at or 816 510 1380. Consider reimbursing her for her printing costs.

ZIONIC HOME FINANCING AND DEBT RELIEF PRESENTATION by Gary Metzger. Another serious step in responsible and resourceful Zionic reality! This will be at Zionworks’ Jan. 29 meeting at Atherton Restoration Restoration Branch, 4910 N. Main St, Atherton at 2:00 pm.


“…the Church, as intended by God, to be the Hall of Sanity in this insane world, a safe gathering place and refuge for the reinforcement and refreshment of his people.” Sam L. Knight

“When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust him fully, because two things can happen. Either He’ll catch you when you fall or he will teach you how to fly.” Albert Einstein


Please direct questions and comments to

May God bless you, your destiny and his kingdom on the earth.
Jim Huseby, preparedness chairman

With Christ as our bond,

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