Friday, November 20, 2020


From: Paul Gage


NOVEMBER 20, 2020

Dearest Saints,

As I share this with you today, I sense in my heart the great love of God for each of you. No matter where you are, He is there. No matter what you are going through, He is with you. No matter what tomorrow holds, we know WHO holds tomorrow! I can't hold even one of you in my arms right now, because I am home, But PRAISE GOD!! HE IS HOLDING EVERYONE OF US IN HIS ARMS OF ETERNAL LOVE... AT THE SAME TIME! Oh how could anyone ever want to go back to Egypt even for delicious onions and leeks. Oh, how could any chick not want to flee to the safety of the hen's wings. Is Jesus weeping over Zion like He did Jerusalem? Let us hope and pray not.

We are the Body of Christ, and in this together and GOD WILL ALWAYS BE IN THE LEAD!

The following scriptures mention a number of people that most of us never heard of, because sometimes, in reading through the scriptures, we only want the meat. "While Jesus Christ is the Bread and the Wine, we are the body of Christ and thus carry on His great work."

“Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house.” (Colossians 4:15)

Some Pauline epistles, which included the letter to the church at Colossae, were written during Paul’s imprisonment in Rome approximately 60 through 62 AD. Three cities (Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossae) were close together and were near Laodicea. Paul instructs Nymphas to read the Colossians letter to the church at Laodicea.

There is a group labeled “fellow workers” (
Colossians 4:11)—Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Marcus, and Justus. They were the men who ministered to Paul in Rome. There were also friends from the third missionary journey: Epaphras, Demas, Nymphas, and Archippus from the cities around Colossae who kept in close contact and probably supported Paul financially. Luke, the “beloved physician,” apparently joined Paul on the second missionary journey on the trip to Rome (Acts 16—the “we” passages).

Several godly attributes are identified. “Beloved brother” is used to emphasize the intense relationship that Paul had with some of these men. “Faithful minister” (a “deacon”), along with “fellow servant” and “fellow worker,” stresses the service Paul enjoyed with them. “Fellow prisoner” is an obvious identification.

“Laboring fervently” (the Greek word agonizomai) is used to speak of Epaphras (
Colossians 4:12), who was always praying for the church at Colossae with great zeal. This and other lists such as the 16th chapter of Romans give us precious insight into the lives of godly men and women who shared the lives of key leaders and made their ministry more effective.

I appreciate the "Faith Hall of Fame" in Hebrews 11 and Ether 5. The "big names" are mentioned, but many are simply referred to as supporting casts. Each of us has a role to play in the bringing forth of Zion. Even the guy who buried his one talent, should have used it to glorify his Lord.

We, as the body of Christ are being called to designate times each week for fasting and prayer as we continue in preparation for the coming of Our Lord and His Kingdom. As with those who have gone before us, there is no turning back, nor furloughs granted, no sleeping on duty, no excuse for not having our "weapons of war" ready for the battle. Do you have on  a full suit of armor? Who's armor is it? Ephesians 6.

May it please the Lord Jesus to have us so named in “the books” of eternity Revelation 20:12.

How are you doing with the Sixty Days of  Response to the Solemn Assembly? Ready to stop or desire to go forth? If you stop, that is your choice, but don't get in the way of those who want to keep pressing on the upward way.

The current guide ends on Thursday, November 26, 2020. The next Sixty Day March Toward Zion will begin, Friday, November 27, 2020. It will be arranged a little differently, with daily themes taken from one of our hymns. All hymns will be taken from the three most current hymnals in the Restoration. Hymns of the Restoration by the Restoration Hymn Society, Editions 2007 and 1984 and Saints' Hymnal produced by the church in 1933 and reprinted by Price Publishing in 1998. Granted that some of the hymns may not be in the Saints' Hymnal.

We encourage each family to obtain a hymnal if possible and make it a family devotional, or at least include all the family in some way. Hopefully the new form will be available on line by Wednesday, November 25, 2020.It likely will not be mass mailed, but will depend on those who have contact lists, pastors, etc to forward them on and have copies available at the branches for those who may not get it otherwise. Feel free to call someone if you need help.

And now

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