Friday, November 27, 2020

Rhonda Bwanali

From:  Penny Curtis

Rhonda Bwanali

Dear Friends,

I would like to introduce Rhonda. This precious child was brought to the Youth Home in September.  It was one of the biggest birthdays of her life.  She turned 7 years old on Sept 2. and is in the 1st grade.
Rhonda was raised by her grandmother after the death of her parents. 
Her father owned a big farm with a large herd of cattle and was doing well for himself and his family.
Rhoda's father borrowed from the local bank the equivalent of about $800.00 US dollars to buy seed to plant and food for the cattle
After the harvest he arranged for transportation to take all the goods to market so he could have money for the next year and to pay back his bank loan.
On the way to market, a band of robbers surrounded the vehicles and stole his harvest.
He was left with nothing and knew the bank would take his cattle he had put up as collateral. 
In depression and complete loss over everything he had worked for Rhonda's father committed suicide by taking poison.
Some time later her mother was found dead on her bed of an unknown cause.  
Rhonda was taken in by her maternal grandmother that could not care for her in any way.  When she found out about the Youth Home she asked that she be taken in.  
Rhonda started her 1st grade year with a new uniform, shoes and backpack.  It is a joy to see the smile return to her beautiful face.




Penny Curtis

Give Back Hope International 
PO Box 108 
Independence, MO 64051

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