Thursday, September 8, 2022


 From: Zionworkz


Dear Saints,



We'll get back to the Saints' Herald article in a minute, but consider these thoughts: Maybe "Zionworks" should change its name to something like "Saints Working Together To Establish Christ's Kingdom On Earth" so that this effort can be properly perceived as a church-wide effort and not a small exclusive group.

Some gospel aspects we have experienced so strongly reinforced in our efforts together so far are 1. If we enter into an effort "for the right spiritual reasons " (something we are continually accused of not doing) , we receive great and unexpected spiritual blessings, some in the way of healings and deeper love for each other. 2. As we struggle together to become prepared for the eminent socio-economic and physical sustenance collapse, and to remind the church of this necessity, we receive spiritual blessings for our physical efforts to obey Christ! 3. We will be attacked from people, even within the church, for who knows what right reason, for taking the steps to become independent of Babylon. This reminds us that Satan has his influence everywhere and that his agenda is to destroy God's people. 4. We must pray even mightier than ever and focus our stewardship on the Lord's work. 5.This effort requires the investment of ALL of our hopes and dedication. 6. Each saint has his or her unique gifts, experiences, abilities, hopes and stewardship responsibilities. We should not expect to coerce a person into a role or roles that are not the ones that person would personally offer to the Lord. One of the outstanding roles of Zionworks has been its ministry of encouragement, freeing and unleashing of individuals from various fears, oppressions and restraints so they can enjoy happy fulfillment in their dedication to Christ. That continues to be a primary responsibility --- to release people from imposed identities and to love and appreciate and uplift each other for who they are and who God will have them become.

Back to the Herald article, "A Plea by Elbert Dempsey" 1947. Here are some more quotes: "And how are we going to accomplish this great work? What is the next step? And the next? Any group that wishes success in any endeavor must know where it is going and how to get there. If we are to put into our church something better than pious incompetence --- if we are to make its hopes more than a delusion --- we, too, must find a way and start moving.

"Is it our calling to wait for God to smite our enemies and bring us together and stir us to righteousness in His own due time? Waiting for God is one of the great evils which plagues us. He has cried His impatience a hundred times. If we don't grow toward Zion, we don't deserve His help, and he has made it clear that we won't get it.

"...It has been said if 300 people would gather together and live in accordance with the laws of God and nature, they could enjoy the benefits of Zion. Apparently, we do not have 300 people capable of Zion in any one place. Yet this is all the miracle we need."

I would like to add this about celestial law. God says that no unclean thing can enter into the kingdom of heaven... We are told by Jesus to pray, "Thy kingdom come ON EARTH as it is in Heaven." We are told in 1st Nephi that God gives no commandment that he has not already paved the way for us to accomplish. So --- is it a grievance or impossibility to obey these principles? What if it is only a matter of your and my personal identities? Do we identify as unworthy to achieve the goals God has set for us and set us free to accomplish? Who is stopping you as an individual from simply stepping out of the restraints that you wish you were rid of? BE ENCOURAGED by Christ and, hopefully, by other saints who hold you up as your best self ! Once we step through that identity barrier, will we ever want to go back?! Be prepared though, not many of your friends and associates will want to go there with you... they will want to discourage you. This is a journey with Jesus. HE sees your potential as your best self, already; he envisions you in that celestial state with that identity. Could it be that we must only see and be ourselves and identities in that state? YES!

Yes, several attempts have been made in the past to bring Zion to pass. Enoch's endeavors were successful as were the attempts to have all things common as recorded in the Book of Acts. Some attempts in the last 190 years have met various degrees of success, but past failures just give us more information and, hopefully, more wisdom. Mount Everest had been considered through all history, impossible to climb. Then on the morning of May 29, 1953, New Zealanders, Ed Hillary and Darjeeling Norgay became the first humans to hike to its summit. What do you suppose happened to their identities, their views of the universe and of themselves from the summit? We can surmise that they knew they could and would do it before they started --- they could envision the ordeal ahead of time; they could be there in their minds. They had the "impossible" as their vision and purpose. I wonder how many people believed it could be done up until then. I wonder how many of Ed and Darjeeling's family, friends and fellow church members thought the attempt was sane or survivable?! There may not have been ONE person to encourage them or approve of their effort. But they did it. By the way, today there is litter on the trail attesting to the fact that once someone broke through the "impossible" barrier, others were encouraged and emboldened. See and be your new self, your real God-intended self, as you will on the other side of the identity barrier.

One more quote, from D&C 140:5c "The work of the preparation and perfection of my Saints go forward slowly, and Zionic conditions are nor closer nor any further away than the spiritual condition of my people justifies". We can take this as encouragement and fact. Please pray that this message will reach all of God's saints. Please share this with all within your influence.

Be aware saints, Babylon is collapsing. If we do not become independent of the nation's and the world's goods and services, we may die. It is imperative to stock up now on provisions and work together to ride out the cataclysm warned and prophesied of by heeding the instructions in the scriptures.

NEXT MEETING: We just secured a meeting place offered by Susan bass. It is her training clinic. For more information email or or call 816-690-8464 or 816-694-2284.

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