From: Jamie Kidd Bill Kidd 70th Birthday Celebration You are invited to join the fun! Bill is turning 70! Be sure and RSVP Jamie at: |
From: Jamie Kidd Bill Kidd 70th Birthday Celebration You are invited to join the fun! Bill is turning 70! Be sure and RSVP Jamie at: |
From: Pamela Stuck CPRS Senior Class Fundraiser The Senior Class of Center Place Restoration School has a Chipotle fundraiser night tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 1st. It is only at the Valley View Location (near Costco), and it runs from 5 - 9 PM. Participants can order online (use promo code: AXBPCHM Pickup must be set for between 5 and 9 pm (the fundraiser hours) and delivery orders will NOT count toward our fundraiser. Thank you for helping your CPRS Senior Class!! Pamela Stuck |
From: Wes Ferraiuolo
New Roof
We have a member at our Branch that has had some roof damage and insurance will not cover the damage. We are looking for someone that does residential roofing that would be interested in the job.
Please let me know if anyone might be interested.
Wes Ferraiuolo
John R. (Ron) Gamble - Obituary John R. (Ron) Gamble, 89, of Rich Hill, Missouri, passed away October 29, 2022 |
John R. (Ron) Gamble, 89, of Rich Hill, Missouri, passed away October 29, 2022, at Medicalodge of Butler, Missouri. Ron was born January 20, 1933, in Wichita, Kansas, to Kenneth L. and Marjorie M. Gamble, the eldest of four children. Ron spent his growing up years in Wichita, Salina, and Concordia, Kansas. After graduating from Wichita High School East in 1951, Ron had his leg amputated due to a childhood injury. A year later he attended Graceland College in Lamoni, Iowa (1952-53). In the summer of 1953, Ron underwent additional medical procedures. He met his future wife, Virginia Elizabeth (Beth) Gamble, in the summer of 1954 in Wichita. They were married June 3, 1956, in Lamoni. Over their nearly 57 years of marriage, Ron and Beth lived in Spokane, Washington; Wichita, Kansas; Kansas City, Missouri; Buckner, Missouri, and Independence, Missouri. Beth preceded her husband in death in 2013. Ron's career was spent in sales, "primarily as a hearing aid consultant for 39 years. He owned and operated Independence Hearing Aid Service, which later became Professional Hearing Aid Service. Ron retired in August 2004. Ron was baptized at 10 years of age in the Smoky Hill River near Salina, Kansas, as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints. He was ordained a priest in Spokane, Washington, in 1957 and an elder in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1968. He was a member of various Restoration branches, including the South Crysler Restoration Branch in Independence, Missouri, for over 25 years until his move from the area two years ago. The Lord gave Ron the gift of leadership by which he served over the years as Presiding Elder of various congregations and branches. He and his wife served a term as Young Adult Leaders for Kansas City Stake. He also organized and directed a number of church reunions and retreats. In more recent years, Ron served on the Elders Council for South Crysler. Other community service included serving as PTA President of Nashua Elementary while his children attended grade school there. Ron was also gifted with music. He developed a wonderful tenor voice through voice lessons in high school and was involved in various school music groups. He also performed solo work both at church and in the community. In 1965, Ron participated as a member of the Auditorium Chorale under the direction of Frank Hunter. He regularly served in his congregational life as a soloist and member of church choirs. He passed on his love of vocal music to his children and enjoyed many years of performing with his wife. Ron was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Beth; parents, Kenneth Gamble and Marjorie (Gamble) Whiting; his brother Larry Gamble, a son Mark Gamble; a grandson Brian Gamble; and a great-granddaughter, Emma Gamble. He leaves behind two siblings, Don (Brenda) Gamble of Independence, Missouri, and Mary Beth (Ernie) Romine of Ponca City, Oklahoma; his two daughters, Michele Thomas and husband Tim of Rich Hill, Missouri, and Pam Burford and husband Dwight of Wichita, Kansas; sixteen grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews, and other relatives. Ron was a man of faith and courage who loved the Lord Jesus Christ. His desire was to share the gospel with others through preaching the word and by bearing his testimony so that they might come to know Jesus as their Savior and friend. Visitation will be held at Speaks Suburban Chapel on Thursday, November 3rd from 5-7pm; Funeral services will be held on Friday, November 4th at 1pm at South Crysler Restoration Branch; 16101 E Salisbury Rd.; Independence, MO 64050. Graveside services will follow at Lobb Cemetery. |
From: Linda Datschefski
Calling Card and Matchbook Collection
Anyone interested in a calling card or a match book collection they are yours for the taking.
Contact Linda
From: Linda Datschefski LARGE ESTATE SALE NOV 4 & 5 FRI & SAT NOV 4 & 5 |
From: Michael Barrett
Gospel Podcast - Becoming One
What does it mean to become one?
How do we do it?
What do the scriptures say about it?
Join as in this week’s episode as we discuss becoming one by having Christ in us.
From: Mary Drummond
Healing Hearts Meeting in November
Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 2:30 PM
Colbern Road Restoration Branch
9525 Lake Lotawana Road, Gate 2
Lee’s Summit MO 64063
"And again, blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:6
Colbern Road Restoration Branch will be hosting a Healing Heart Meeting for those who are currently a widow or widower, church affiliation does not matter. Hope you will join us and let your heart begin to be healed.
Any questions, please contact:
Jeanie Marsh
From: Garland Schnack
Seasoned Firewood Wanted
Looking to purchase 1 Cord of Seasoned Firewood.
Call or Text Garland at:
From: Zionworkz
The scriptures are interlaced with the ultimate goal of Godly living: the eventual condition on the earth when a Godly society interacts by love and equity. For centuries, even millennia, we have believed that this condition, this Great Realization, will come to reality when prophesied signs will be fulfilled. We have eagerly looked for the time when God’s people will look up and repent and trust God to heal his land, a time when people will "have done" with their lesser things and determine, together, to live by celestial principles--- A time when we realize we must give up any trace of prejudice and prefer our brother, forever relying on God’s love and judgement instead of applying our judgement. Are we there yet? Can we be so thoroughly through with ourselves that we gladly leave ourselves behind to live in His kingdom? That’s what we were created for and placed in this time for! I think that’s exciting! And the time is here, and God has prepared the way for us! In the Doctrine and Covenants, in section 81:4b-g, Jesus states some clear and practical directions for us to apply as saints dedicated to this goal. It gives colorful goals, vision and explanation in its short wording. Please take a moment to let its wording feed your soul: “for Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes must be strengthened; yea verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments; therefore I give unto you this commandment, that ye bind yourselves by this covenant, and it shall be done according to the laws of the Lord. Behold, here is wisdom, also, in me, for your good. And you are to be equal, or in other words, you are to have equal claims on the properties, for the benefit of managing the concerns of your stewardships, every man according to his wants and needs, inasmuch as his wants are just; and all this for the benefit of the church of the living God, that every man may improve upon his talent, that every man may gain other talents; yea, even an hundredfold, to be cast into the Lord’s storehouse, to become the common property of the whole church, every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of God.”
From our trust in the scriptures, nurtured by the Spirit, we are aware of these other facts about our involvement in Zion: It will be built by and lived out in celestial law; there will be no rich or poor among us; all things will be had in common with each person having his or her specialized stewardships of property and talents; the needs of the needy will be met; all gifts and talents will be nurtured, developed and applied; its inhabitants will be pure in heart and a happy and fulfilled people; it will be a place of safety and refuge for its inhabitants and the innocent of the world that must flee to it; it will start among people dedicated to living by its principles, then become a city, then a county, then continue to expand; a civilization thriving independent of Babylon; there will be no fraternizing with “the enemy”; its people will be busy, but happy and fulfilled. We use the term “total consecration to mean “all that I have is dedicated to the Lord in our Zionic commitment.”
There have been some misunderstandings about a people that take the scriptures concerning Zion to heart and apply them heartily, but the encouraging and reinforcing words and events that come our way, and keeping our eyes on the goal uplift and direct us. Also, it appears that all across the restoration, people are experiencing a heightened awareness, excitement and desire for Zion. Happily, despite the torture and murder of thousands of Christians around the globe, peoples around the globe are ever more determined to serve the Lord and they, too, are expecting God to soon expose his mighty arm wielding his mighty two-edged sword.
Deer processing demonstration with help needed Food preservation methods—hands-on with your foods Alternative energy How-to videos Videos on prophecy and current events Work days to meet the needs of those needing help Income/revenue ventures Food, survival and thriving during the collapse. Presently, the entire Zionworks group is the food committee. We need more food growers and producers to direct and instruct for Zion. Volunteers are seriously needed.
NEXT MEETING will be this coming Sunday, Oct. 30 at 2:00 at Atherton Restoration Branch, 4910 Main St., Atherton. This is what we call our big monthly meeting with a special invitation for all to visit. You may bring a simple lunch and get there early, if that makes it more practical for you. The saints at Atherton extend an invitation to attend their services with morning worship starting at 9:45, Sunday school at 10:00 and the sermon hour at 11:00. In the Zionworks two O’clock meeting there will be progress reports on means of thriving independent of Babylon and how we will be applying those means, including the items mentioned above. Much visiting after the meeting. Bring interesting items for the bartering table (a fun and handy mini swap meet) and bring anything interesting for the show-and-tell table.
If you visit the blog site,
have a look at their fascinating and resourceful archives. This is an incredible resource. You can order a DVD of their archives contents. Also, there are many excellent you tube videos on off-grid living once you start searching for them. One of them with several practical instructions can be found by searching for “Doug and Stacey”. Another outstanding one that I just found this week is that helps people worldwide.
Someone to help with the computer work and website.
“Fight off the negativity by concentrating on the positive things we can do. It’s simple. We’re all here for a purpose, though we may not see how our work dove-tails.” Marilyn Middleton
From: Terri For Sale: GE Side-by-Side Refrigerator Works well. Just updating the kitchen. Don't know about the water system as I didn't have a water source, but it was supposed to work when I bought it 3-years ago. We took the doors off to move it out of the kitchen and left them off in case the buyer needed them off. All the hardware is there, and we can put them back on if you want it that way. $200.00 |