Sunday, October 2, 2022


 From: Holly McLean



Dear Brothers & Sisters,

I wanted to share with you a subject of great concern and ask that you not only pray about it, but also discuss it, and find out where your branch leaders stand on basic issues of Christian and restored gospel doctrines.

It has unfortunately come to my attention that there are very well-respected and prominent priesthood members in the restoration branches who have adopted the destructive beliefs of the world including the defense of homosexuality, homosexual marriage, abortion on demand, transgenderism and LGBTQ ideologies. Not only priesthood members, but many young people including young married couples who have also come to believe these destructive ideologies.

Through the adoption of these beliefs, they have become deceived and have begun to disparage those who speak against these things even within the church. Of course, this means they will be teaching these things to their children as well.

As most of you know, the restoration branches actually started to separate from the RLDS world church organization for the very purpose of upholding the scriptural roles for men and women set by God for His people and His priesthood. At that time, the idea that men can actually become women and vice versa was not even in the picture. Nor was there the idea that it is acceptable for children to be involved in discussions of sexual deviances as is the case today.

But these ideologies are not just slowly creeping into the restoration branches. They are beginning to infiltrate the youth and there are priesthood members who are supporting these ideas openly. Recently a young man who has started believing these things was supported and encouraged in these beliefs by priesthood men in a discussion openly with others.

Are we going to take a stand against these ideologies without fear? Or are we going to allow these false teachings and beliefs to become a part of the restoration? And, if so, what is the reason we are restoration branches? The Community of Christ already believes all these things. If we are going to teach and believe as they do, why not join them?

And, are we going to support each other in standing against these false and destructive ideologies? Or are we going to stay silent to protect ourselves from ridicule? Are we going to avoid conflict in order to “keep the peace” and ignore the infiltration of these lies that is happening in our church?

The question is, are we actually going to be an “Army of the Lord” or are we not?

Here are some questions you may want to discuss with your branch leaders.

1.Do you believe that marriage is ordained of God and is between one man and one woman?
2.Do you believe that God created each person male or female and that this is not a malleable state of being?
3.Do you believe homosexual behavior is wrong?
4.Do you believe a person in the womb is a valuable creation of God and should be preserved and protected from harm?
5.Do you believe God created specific roles for men and women and that each role is precious and of equal value?
6.Do you believe women are eligible to be in the priesthood?
7.Do you believe the truth of God’s Word can be found in the three standard books, D&C (up to 144), Book of Mormon, and Inspired version of the Bible and that these three books are His authority as long as they are interpreted correctly?

Do the priesthood in your branch believe the basics of Christianity and the truth of the restored gospel? Or are they slowly moving toward the religion of the world?

If we do not stop these false teachings from coming into the restoration branches, they will overtake us. It is only a matter of time. The world is ever present and pounding on our door.

What are you willing to do to stop this from happening? Are you willing to take a stand? Are you willing to risk being ridiculed for the sake of truth? Will the priesthood in your branch take a stand for righteousness in these areas?

This message is not a popular thing to do, I am very aware. I know it will make a lot of people mad at me as has already happened. I have already experienced the ridicule and disrespect of those who do not want these subjects addressed and who have adopted these false ideologies.

My hope is that by sounding the alarm, others will start to recognize what is happening and move to stop it from destroying our church and His work in it. These things must be addressed and taken care of if we are to have any hope of being the people to fulfill His great commission.

If anyone wants to discuss this or has questions or possible solutions, please contact me at:

Most sincerely Your Sister in Christ,

Holly McLean

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