Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Jackson County November 2022 Election Info

 From: Muriel L

Jackson County November 2022 Election Info

Committee Logo

This is to share with others to spread the word! There’s a LOT of info in this email. Please take a few minutes to digest and keep this email for reference for later. We NEED your help! take your pick of what you can do to help.

The last day to register to vote is TOMORROW October 12 -
There is no early voting in Missouri.
Election Day is November 8, 2022.
Voters may request an absentee ballot at the SOS website listed above. A reason is required to vote absentee.
In-person absentee voting begins October 25 and ends November 7.
To check your voter registration status or to find your polling place, click here.
Getting a Voter ID is FREE and EASY in MISSOURI.

Don't believe the rhetoric that requiring an ID causes voter suppression.

8. There are multiple voter guides available---BE AN INFORMED VOTER: Here are a couple for your use: ----(Pages 8-32 is a comprehensive review of the MO candidates)


The new election integrity law now allows judges to work anywhere in the county.
FOR ELECTION JUDGES ----- Become a poll judge or worker. This can be done by registering at for the Jackson County Election Board or for the Kansas City Election Board. Poll workers work the full day on November 8th, starting at 5 a.m. and continuing through the final closing of the polls. While this seems like a long day, the other poll workers of both parties tend to be very friendly. Training to be a poll worker is provided prior to the elections, and workers are paid for the training and for election day. (THIS PROGRAM takes the place of the old poll watcher and poll challenger program – where you cannot watch MUCH and cannot challenge ANYTHING if the person is listed in the registration as registered to vote. With these jobs you are INSIDE the system and have much more authority and ability to watch and challenge anything you see with the appropriate chain of command given you with your training by the election board.)
10. We will have VOTER GUIDES to hand out at the highest populated polling locations. We need to cover 35 of 67 polling locations in Kansas City and 64 of 104 polling locations in eastern Jackson County with two shifts per day. Sign up here for a polling location in Kansas City (20 Polls), SOUTH Kansas City (15 polls) or Jackson County (64 polls).

Kansas City --

SOUTH Kansas City –

Jackson County --

1.Want to be involved with Missouri Election Watch Project,

If each voter were to fill out an incident report about his/her voter experience, we would have all kinds of evidence that would stand up in court to fight election irregularities if they occur. This project helps us be PROACTIVE! There are 3 options: voter experience, poll worker experience, and machine testing experience. Simply watch the instructional video, print off the incident report, and take it to the poll and fill it out when you vote. Then send it to the provided email address. YOUR experience matters, and YOU can help protect our elections! Invite your family and friends to join this project too!

1.Please vote in person on November 8. Also, try to vote as late in the day as possible (which makes it harder for "bad actors" to gauge turnout and adjust their strategies). Encourage others to do the same. (Some say this is what helped Kari Lake win the Arizona gubernatorial primary in August.) As long as you are in line by 7pm, you MUST be allowed to vote.

Proverbs 29:2
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when the wicked rules, the people groan."

In Liberty,

Chairman Mark Anthony Jones
Jackson County Republican Party
Headquarters Phone 816-875-9690
Cell 816-410-4450

Chairman Mark Anthony Jones

Paid for by Jackson County Republican Committee.
Kress Cambers, Treasurer.
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You can also keep up with Chairman Mark Anthony Jones on Twitter or Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

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