Thursday, October 13, 2022



From: Zionworkz



Dear Saints,

First thing: I listened to a podcast last night and then again this morning titled "Ben Armstrong unloads master hypothesis naming America in the Book of Revelation". It contains some vital information and an intelligent examination of Revelation and Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51. It also contains a clue or supportive evidence as to why latter day scriptures say that Zion's borders will not be breached. You can find this podcast by googling it. It admits that part of its content may be speculative, however the raw information and intelligent reasoning are powerful.

Second thing: "The entire back-up" force of God and, therefore, all of the power and resources of the universe are available to support any person's or group's response to the call of Zion. Most every time God's people have responded to his direction or command to exit from a captivity or culture, the people prepared for their journey with long-term survival necessities. The Lehi party took grains, tents, hunting equipment and other provisions, and even seeds to plant in the new land for their continued survival. Some cultures even took bees. Alma and the church planned, at God's direction, their escape with survival necessities. They knew to obey and they knew that their survival as a people was dependent on their exit.

Today, God tells us to exit Babylon for our physical survival and for our survival as his people. He has instructed his people to be an independent and self-sufficient society based on and operating by his celestial law. To not physically prepare to survive independent of Babylon is a sign of our disobedience and irresponsibility, especially when God has given us directions as how to prepare and how to live independently of the national and world socio-economic structure. He has called us to believe and obey. Zionworks is a serious response to this call. It is a call to all of God's people.


Last Saturday, on Nancy and Hanna Moe's farm, we worked on picking, washing, cutting, shredding and pressing apples and tidying up and some mowing in the orchard until 1:00. We got the better part of the deal, I think, as the workers went home with most of the cider. Thank you, Nancy and Hanna! The day was one of fun and fellowship. A very nice meal was prepared by Nancy and Deana. After lunch, the meeting lasted for about an hour while continuing processing the apples. Then we continued with the apples until it started to get uncomfortably cold, then cleaned up the equipment.


Our meeting will be held at Zion's Hope Restoration Branch, 36436 E. Stoenner Rd., Levassy, MO at 2:00. Note: Zion's Hope invites any and all to attend their morning services. Sunday school starts at 10:00 and the sermon hour starts in time to be ready at 11:00. The morning class is taught by Richard Hoff. It is an excellent class and will expound on the 11th chapter of Mosiah. The sermon will be presented by Randy VanEaton. All are invited for a simple pot luck after the service. That will be a practical way to have comfortable and adequate time for lunch and fellowship (and clean-up) before the meeting starts. Bring your hopes, questions, personal abilities, personal needs and prayer needs. At the meeting, Randy VanEaton will be presenting a serious and enlightened class on the Word of Wisdom, its hidden wisdom and its benefits. Also on the agenda will be a watchman's report, and much deliberation on implementing real and practical Zionic living. These meetings are always valuable and uplifting. You are invited to come and be a part of it. We are determined to do our best so that Zion can be a practical reality in every way described in scripture.

An easy way to get to Zion's Hope is to take Hwy 24 east out of Independence, through Buckner and to Hwy H at Levassy, then take H south for about a mile, then west on Stoenner Rd. to 36436. The church building and fellowship hall are wheel chair friendly.

Watch for announcements of upcoming activities. Coming soon are practical activities with instruction on various means of food preservation by canning, drying, freeze drying and vacuum packing. In our last meeting we agreed that alternate weekly meetings should be spent on service projects of various needs. We will be identifying and scheduling those projects. Also upcoming at meetings: excellent videos on practical living and on vital information concerning the current and coming events on our lands and their place in scripture, prophecy and our lives. Another podcast that is full of vital info that you can download on google or you tube is "RUSSIA: GET READY FOR WAR ON AMERICAN SOIL". These podcasts that I have recommended are relatively short and packed with vital and condensed information.

Three weeks ago, we agreed to be in constant prayer until at least October 23rd for our turn-around of our lack of commitment to Jesus and serious application of the gospel. Be ever alert with Christ's discernment, be prayerful and trust in Him who is always loving, truthful and unchanging. God's people are now living in violent cities and neighborhoods. These conditions will get worse until the Kingdom exists on the earth. Zion is the only hope, now, for safety and refuge.

Your brother in Christ,
Jim Huseby

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