Monday, October 23, 2023

Prayer Requests - October 23

 Prayer Requests

My Granddaughter, Cierra Dollarhide, after several months waiting to get an appointment, and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and is finally having surgery the 19th. They still don’t know until they do surgery, which type (1 out 3) type of cancer it is. There is a 60% chance they will have to do chemo after surgery.

Update to above prayer request
She came home the same day as her thyroid cancer surgery. The lower left part of the gland was removed along with the mass. It was sent off for a biopsy (to New York) to see what (1 of 3) types of cancer it was. If it is the very rare type, it will require chemotherapy. The other types, may require chemo pills.

Thank you so much for your prayers, and please continue to pray for The Lord’s Will, Peace of Mind, Comfort, and Courage.


My Sister, Linda Tiffany, in Oregon passed away 3 AM the 19th. Please pray for the families, Peace of mind and Courage, in these sad hours of grief.


Your Sister In Christ

Marianne E. Goodwater

Please pray for a friend of mine, Shonda. She suffered from a stroke last Saturday and had a severe allergic reaction to the medication they used to stop the stroke. This caused her to placed on a ventilator in the ICU where she now has no movement of the right side of her body. As of now she is off the vent, but is still struggling with blood pressure. She has a partner of 23 years and a 15 year old son that could use prayers for strength and comfort as well.

Thank you!
Emiley Buckner

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