Thursday, June 30, 2022

ZionWorks New’s June 30, 2022

 From: Nancy Williams

ZionWorks New’s June 30, 2022


Hello Saints,

Is Zion the ultimate goal of the restoration? Are we instructed to be ready for prophesied calamities? Consider these scriptures: “Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come… D&C 1:3b: cities left empty or desolate / population reduction… D&C 5:3g, 2 N 8:79, 3N8:79, 3N10:11; Repeat of history/ ”For behold, they do study at this time that they may destroy the liberty of thy people, (For thus sayeth the Lord,) which is contrary to the statutes, and judgments, and commandments which He has given unto His People.” Alma 6:22

In obeying the Lord to prepare for the coming calamities on our nation and the world, we look to the scriptures, and we look at current events and developments. The similarities are not mere coincidences – they verify each-others’ actualities. As these prophesied events draw near and take place, we realize more clearly that each of us, as individuals, must take personal responsibility to be prepared. We realize that we are responsible to our maker, and not group influence, for taking immediate responsibilities. You and I, despite the naysayers around us, must “be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth.”

To provide a place of safety and refuge and all of the physical needs for survival in coming days, hands on work is necessary. The spiritually motivated know the physical efforts and cooperation of skills needed for living after our current socio-economic structure collapses. God wants us preserved and united as His people. He has given us ample warning, signs and instructions.

ZionWorks is a growing group of saints dedicated to all aspects of Christ gospel and committed to making Zionic conditions a physical reality. This requires a different lifestyle than most of us have been living. The Zion building lifestyle is one of total dedication, it requires hard, focused work. One cannot wait for his or her circle of friends and influencers to show approval or set examples.

The job at hand needs volunteers with love, skills and determination. Zion will be a physical place, described as a city. As a city, it will, of course, need homes, water, foods, sanitation, heat roads and streets, farmers, doctors, carpenters, teachers, medical practitioners, coordinators, spiritual leaders and all of the trades, occupations, industries and careers that make a community a community, that through cooperation and righteous governance, thrives. The immediate urgency, though, is surviving what appears to be the eminent collapse of our sources of food, water and medical aid. ZionWorks is working for each of these vital needs and more, including the starting stages of cooperative farming. It is also working to provide a functioning society of saints. Please investigate from the source for yourself and join in the ultimate goal of the restoration.

· ZionWorks will NOT meet this coming Sunday July 3rd. We will resume meeting on July 10th. Please note the change of place. Bates City Restoration Branch 728 E. Old Hwy 40. At 2:00pm

· We do have a current need or request. A group of us will be getting together to sew cloth menstrual pads for our young ladies when the convenient disposable ones are no longer available. As part of our commitment to be actively engaged in preparing we are asking for certain items to be donated. We will be sewing July 30, 2022 so there is still time to gather supplies. The items are:

Plastic tubs with lids, must have lids (the kind ice cream or smaller powdered laundry soaps come in)
Flannel material (old flannel shirts, pajamas, flannel sheets)
Old cotton Tee shirts (must be 100% cotton) worn ok just not thread bare
Baby crib or mattress covers (netting on sides can be missing)
Scraps of 100% cotton batting from quilting projects

We are in serious need of a computer and website volunteer.

ZionWorks Contacts are:

Jim Huseby

Nancy Williams


Steve White

Remember to stock up on provisions now!

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