Saturday, March 25, 2023


 From: Zionworkz



To all our Heavenly Father calls His people;
Dear friends,

The need and desire for Christ's kingdom to come and his will to be done on the earth as it is in heaven seem to be birthing the Kingdom's reality! This growing gathering of individuals began with the desire to forfeit our egos and live under Christ's directions. Though none of our backgrounds, perspectives or temperaments are the same, we are bonded in and focused on Christ's love. Our biggest delight has been the unforeseen outpouring of His love and blessings. We have experienced Jesus' love at our gatherings, each other's love, and His healings. That is something we should tell more about soon. At each meeting, the people discuss and deliberate, pushing through the possibility of misunderstandings and disagreements, to earnestly pursue that which compels them the most: giving their energies and resources to the actualization of the Kingdom on the earth.

I'm up late writing and thinking and hopefully Guided. The thoughts on my mind have to do with the seemingly sudden change from Zion as concept to Zion as reality. It is happening faster than my natural self can keep up with. What do you suppose are the key elements or causes of this almost sudden condition among us? Have we checked our egos to the extent that we actually do "prefer our brother"? Is our Heavenly Father revealing his pleasure in our covenant relationship with each other? Has each of our personal determinations and desires to simply love, despite our perspectives and our actually be able to put off our personal habits and consciously dismiss our own conversational and relational habits to the point that Jesus does guide our thoughts (and maybe more specifically, our view and love for others...our curiosity to understand another's perspective and reasoning more than our own [and then, the great and awesome swelling of love and understanding for that and those persons])? Can we continue to grow in this experience and not stagnate or fall off?

It has taken total sacrifice for many of us---serious dedication to obeying a heart and soul infinitely superior to our own---a heart and soul we trust to have perfect insight and perfect direction for us. Yet, the frightening danger exists that any one of us can revert to old habits of human nature. Being human in nature, we probably will have occasional difficulties and heartbreaks. We will repent, apologize, repair and move ahead, ever strengthened in Christ. So now we must give ourselves up to Christ even more fully. We must pray for humility even harder...pray for understanding and applying our roles in the Kingdom...pray for ever continuing growth. We must pray even more earnestly that all of our Father's children will be united in his love.

We must push on, allowing our visions to be made more clear and alive; making the Kingdom a kinetic and spiritual reality.



MAKING ZION A REALITY! This coming Sunday, March 26th at 6:30 pm at Atherton Restoration Branch, 4910 N. Main Street, Atherton. This will be a joint meeting with Atherton and Zionworks. It will be very informative. Both groups will explain their goals and missions and set out to work together to apply Christ's directions in these last days. All are invited. There will be much information exchanged and a Q&A session.

GARDENING WITH GOD. Sunday, April 2nd at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence in the basement fellowship hall. A special planting and growing presentation by gardeners, Dave and Julie Atkins. Gardening made practical and productive. This will be illustrated and will include time for questions and discussion. All are invited. Remember to bring bartering items.

WORK DAY, Saturday April 1st, 10:00 am at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence A few of us need to remove the graffiti from the north bricks and clean the basement fellowship floor.




"You have to be willing to give everything up and trust God to guide your course, even beyond your own best thinking. It takes all you've got. You can trust all He tells you and shows you."
Dana Ramie

"Look to bringing forth the Kingdom first. Historically, prosperity always follows."
Brian Marshall

"And now I say unto you that the Good Shepherd doth call after you; and if you will hearken unto his voice, he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep; And he commandeth that you suffer no ravenous wolf to enter among you, that ye may not be destroyed."
Alma 3:105-106

For any comments or questions contact
816-690-8464 or 816-694-2284
or email

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