Friday, August 2, 2019

215-day Inspired Version (Bible) Reading Challenge

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From: Jason Kemp

215-day Inspired Version (Bible) Reading Challenge

August 5, 2019 to May 29, 2020

"Thou shalt ask, and my Scriptures shall be given as I have appointed, and they shall be preserved in safety; and it is expedient that thou shouldst hold thy peace concerning them, and not teach them until thou hast received them in full.
And I give unto you a commandment, that then ye shall teach them unto all men; for they shall be taught unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people."
(Doctrine and Covenants 42:15).

Last fall into spring, we had a 100-day Book of Mormon Reading Challenge in which we have 695 members, with at least 24 states and 11 countries that publicly committed to joining us on this reading challenge.
This time frame coincided with The Book of Mormon Foundation reading challenge.

After that reading challenge concluded, there were exactly 40 business days (Monday through Friday) until the last day of May, so an additional Facebook page was created in which we had 116 members that joined that new page.

June and July was a time to pause with a reading challenge, so we could enjoy various camps, family camps, reunions, retreats, etc.

With school starting up, starting next Monday until the last business day of May 2020, there are 215 business days (Monday through Friday).

The Inspired Version Reading Challenge can be found here on Facebook:
Currently, we have 122 members and know that this number can be easily doubled, in a few days.

I spent numerous hours putting together a "Read through the Inspired Version (Bible) in 215 days."

I downloaded the Inspired Version into Excel and counted the words in each chapter in each book.

I counted 805,748 words.

215 days allows for the months of June and July, along with Saturdays and Sundays, with no scheduled readings,

In my opinion, having no scheduled readings on the weekends, is advantageous in many ways.
his can allow for those to catch-up with the scheduled reading, focus on family time, etc.

Below are few notes on the prepared schedule:

1. All the books, prior to Revelation, is an average of 3,834 words/day.

2. Daily readings of Revelation is only 1,519 words/day.

3. Psalms and Proverbs readings will be scattered on most Old Testament reading days.

4. The month of December will pivot to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, not including the Holy Week, in the last few chapters of each book.

5. The last day of the Old Testament will be Thursday, April 9.

6. Good Friday (April 10th) is the reading of Matthew 26-28, followed by the last few chapters of Mark, Luke and John, that following Monday through Wednesday.

To quote Daniel Webster:

"If we work upon marble, it will perish;
if we work upon brass, time will efface it;
if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust;
but if we work upon immortal souls,
if we imbue them with immortal principles,
with a just fear of God and a love of their fellow men,
we engrave on those tablets something which will brighten all eternity."

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