Sunday, February 23, 2020

Urgency of Our Times

From: Howard Parker

Urgency of Our Times

Brothers and sisters, I feel like I received a “revelation” of sorts. It didn’t come by dream, or by His voice as I know it. It has to do with my dreams, and some preparation that we need to accomplish.

For some time, I’ve had an urgency to go door to door on my street. I plan on doing this soon. My goal is to introduce myself, tell them how much Jesus loves them, and offer my services, if they ever desire to hear me out. Last night, I was having problems going to sleep, as this venture has been weighing greatly on my mind. I asked the Lord how to prepare for what’s coming, and then, it seemed, thoughts were suddenly ”downloaded” into my mind, beginning with building up our (personal) storehouse. Obviously, we won’t be able to meet as congregations, should the destruction be on a large scale. In my mind, I saw crops and livestock destroyed from the volcano ash throughout the Midwest. I immediately knew how important it was to be stocked with provisions.

I began to wonder how the church would be able to use these storehouses to aide the members. I felt as though the Lord told me that it’s not for them. The saints must prepare their storehouse, but it will be the means of missionary work in our own neighborhoods. I felt the Lord impress upon me that His will is that OUR homes become the meeting place for those around us. Food, support, and, most importantly, the gospel being taught. In time, small branches will again become necessary the main thrust, as in the New Testament. I’m not sure if God will set The Church in order before or after, but it will be accomplished. I believe we've wasted too much time and money on things that aren't in preparation for the imminent return of His Kingdom.

These are my thoughts. Please be prayerful, as the two-year warning ends this coming August. I hope these thoughts are helpful.

Howard Parker

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