Friday, October 30, 2020



From: Paul Gage


God's Blessings to the Saints and friends,​​

Many times we hear comments such as, "Are We There Yet?" or "Are We Having Fun Yet?"

Of course, it depends on where you are going if you are "there yet," and quite often it is our "frame of mind" that determines if we are having "fun yet." I wonder how many times Moses was asked those questions on the forty year excursion in the wilderness. Our frame of mind includes all aspects of our being, spiritual, physical. mental, emotional and so forth. With some things, we want to see the end result before we start, but that might take away "all the fun."

Should fasting and praying be "fun?" Fun is defined in the 1828 Merriam Webster dictionary as "What provides amusement or enjoyment." I think God must oft times "have fun" as He watches in amusement when we do things in a lukewarm manner or just outright disobey His commandments. The amusement might come from a situation where God tells us to take Route A and we take Route B and end up in a dead end or maybe a swamp. Or when we go to a wedding feast" and run out of oil before the Groom arrives. Don't we all think we are among the Wise Virgins?

However, our goal is the Kingdom of God on earth, Zion and we are obviously not there yet, but how are we making the journey? Could we have been in Zion long ago, like the Israelite's could have been in the Promised Land in a few weeks? DC 102 seems to indicate that it could have happened in the 1830's.

How about the "fun?" Let us look at it as enjoyment. In a fasting class some months ago, I asked the class if anyone really enjoyed fasting. One person raised his hand and said he enjoyed fasting because it is in obedience to God's commands. I then asked if anyone enjoyed going without food. No hands went up. We know there is a great difference between going without food and true fasting. Yes, fasting from food is a sacrifice, but we can find enjoyment in the sacrifice because it pleases God.

The same can be said for the difference between casual prayer and fervent, effectual prayer. Sometimes, casual prayer no matter where, when, or by whom can literally put us to sleep. Have you ever fallen asleep while saying your prayers or being in church? You don't want to suffer the initial fate of Eutychus in Acts 20:7-12.

My point this week is to try to look beyond the sacrifice to the enjoyment of pleasing our Heavenly Father who supplies all our needs. Plus, as the hymn says, "Never Be Discouraged. Go ahead, sing a verse right now. "Yes, 2020 has been a trying year and only God knows what will happen during or after the election next Tuesday. That is the beauty of it all, GOD KNOWS! Since He is the only one who knows the way, let us find greater "fun" enjoyment as we comply with His commandments. I am sure the Apostle Paul had a world of "fun" being chained in a Roman jail and getting to preach to all the guards and governors.

Remember, DC 85:21 a, "Also, I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall continue in prayer and fasting from this time forth." In addition dear Saints remember the promise we find in DC 83:15 c. as well as Psalm 23, "The Lord IS My Shepherd."

The Lord Bless you and Keep You and may HIS countenance shine upon you.

Paul Gage

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