Tuesday, March 29, 2022

(RESPONSES) -- Dennis Moe

From: Jan Griffith

(RESPONSES) -- Dennis Moe

I hope Dennis sees this e-mail of love pouring out.


Well, no sooner did I write those words but what I received this quote from him.

For quite a while, Dennis has been a member of one of my group phone text threads—along with other faithful restorationists who always try to meet with me when I come to Missouri.  None of us had heard from Dennis in quite some time but yesterday he showed up on the thread.   And what did he say?   He gave everyone an assignment—to encourage ME during my sickness with a word or phrase, telling me what I have meant to them.  Now folks, here is Brother Dennis at “death’s door” and he’s giving assignments for others to encourage ME.  It didn’t really surprise me as Dennis possesses the gift for encouraging, comforting, and strengthening others. 


Well, his text messages from yesterday (and others who were responding) had me crying all afternoon.  I hate it when people see me cry as I get all red-faced and puffy, and the redness and puffiness lasts all day!  But his words triggered a meltdown and I had no words to express my appreciation except to take a selfie with a blubbery and ugly red face, and send it to him to show him how his words affected me—sweet sorrow, I called it.  I’ll tell you right now, when that warrior goes down, writing his Warrior Down will be one of the hardest I’ve had to write.  It’s not easy losing people who love the Lord so much, especially those who make it their priority to encourage and comfort others. 


By the way, he asked the group if the word tenacious describes me.  Ha!  He also said that, “And how blessed are they who have labored diligently in His vineyard” is a scripture he felt described me.  Well, it describes him too. 


Brother Dennis, if you’re still able to read e-mails, I know you will appreciate the following responses. 


Love, Jan






I absolutely love that man.  What a lively rock…  Patrick


What a wonderful sense of humor Dennis has.  I can't fathom how he endures it all.  My prayers are with him - and you, too, dear friend.  I never gave much thought to attacks from Satan until this past year.  Then Trish's posting confirmed it.  Perhaps that is what is going on with you!?  Janet



Do you think Dennis could tell Jesus "Hello" for us?  Maybe we'll see Dennis in the great cloud of witnesses.  Trish


(Jan’s Response)

I hope at least to “hear” him.




What a strong man Dennis is.  And such a powerful faith he has.  I'm sure God is well pleased.   I only met Dennis once or twice when we were attending a Remnant Church in Lake Elsinore and he came to visit.  Then once again, I think I'm remembering this right, when Mike and I went to a conference in Independence.   He took Mike and I to see the underground caves.  And, I have read a number of the little booklets and word studies he's written.   Donna




I hope he makes it thru his April commitments.  Such a lovely man.  Janet


(Jan’s Response)

Me too!  I forgot to ask if he finished his book.




Hi Sis!!!  Very busy this morning, just have to tell brother Dennis how much I respect him and how often I remember his mom and dad and the kids as they served God in Washington State back 40 or so years ago. And brother Dennis you have served  our Savior very well --- I pray that you shall rejoice with your parents as you once again will be with them to enjoy the wonders of God as you "graduate" to your next mission in life.  Brother Ev




Dear Jan and Brothers and Sisters,


I apologize for the delay in keeping you all updated on my health. My weight is down to 160 lbs. I eat a small bowl of oatmeal in the morning, a small bowl of applesauce for lunch and a small bowl of grapes for dinner. I have no desire to eat and force to eat what I do. Taking a lot of morphine, hydrocodone and etc. for pain. Cancer is in bones, hips, back, ribs and pelvic area. Otherwise I am doing great!


My brother and sister will be here Wednesday. Nancy thinks I am hanging on to see them before letting go but I am just wanting to do everything God wants me to do before I step through to the other side. God is still using me. Three sermons and a PowerPoint in April on "Life after Death."

Blessings to you all and thank you for your love and prayers!


Brother Dennis

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