Wednesday, April 6, 2022



From: Paul Gage





Greetings and Blessings to the Saints around the world,


April 6! Truly a day to remember. It is a possibility that Jesus Christ was born as well as resurrected on April 6. We all should be keenly aware that the Church of Jesus Christ was organized on April 6, 1830 and Reorganized on April 6, 1860. All of these events were designed by God, in the Beginning, to assist in bringing forth His Kingdom on the earth.


Many Saints as well as other people have sought the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven for many years. The time seems to be drawing very close to the return of our Lord which, in turn, would establish the Kingdom. Our task, as it has always been, is to prepare ourselves for the return of Jesus so that we may have a place in that Kingdom. The task of being “in the world, but not of it” is most challenging to each of us because we all have different perspectives of what that phrase means to us.


Jesus made it very clear in so many, if not all of His parables. In the parable of the Sower, those who planted the seed (Word of God) not only heard the word, but took action to nourish the seed or in other words, did what Jesus said to do. In the parable of the building a house on rock or sand is the same. Hear and obey God’s word and your house is on the Rock. Hear and do not obey, your house is on the sand.


The parable of the Ten Virgins is unique. They all knew what they were going to. They all knew how things transpired in a Jewish wedding. That is that only the father (God) determines when the bridegroom goes to get his bride. This could be a very long time, and thus all Ten went to sleep.

All the parables of Jesus have a spiritual aspect to them as well as a physical aspect. The oil, in this parable is spiritual oil, which is described in Doctrine and Covenants 45:10 b-d. The five wise ones could not give the five foolish of their spiritual oil because we each one must obtain our own oil so when the message comes, at midnight, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him,” we will be prepared.


As we continue our efforts of “living in the Kingdom of God” may we so live that we will be ready to enter into the wedding feast with the Bridegroom (JESUS). The Lord bless and keep you.


Paul Gage

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