Saturday, March 18, 2023


 From: Zionworkz



The scriptures and Christ’s pure, clear and unaltered messages are the best and most reliable information we have for acting in this present collapse. In addition, there are many prophetic pronouncements that have been received over the last 200 or so years that corroborate with Christ’s words, though they must be carefully scrutinized with the scriptures as the guidelines. We are not left in the dark unless we forget to be 100% reliant on Christ and zero % reliant on the arm of flesh. That is VERY difficult in these days when the media and even the churches are “blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine.” It is indeed very, very difficult for any individual to consider withdrawing from any of these seemingly virtuous influences. Each one of us stands alone in this quest, for it is a personal one. If we can be trusted at all in helping each other, it must be by pointing to Christ and not the false comfort of group conformity. If our focus is on Christ and our quest for his truth, then our group focus is on the same focal point (which brings unity, not conformity). All of the scriptures, indeed, instruct us to be one in Christ and to comfort and help each other and others and live by his love. That is the bond that is promised, the focus and bond that open the gate to the Kingdom on the earth, where the hearts, lives and souls of the faithful are FULFILLED. “The church” mentioned innumerable times in the scriptures is a gathering (or gatherings) of people seeking this oneness of focus, loving and helping each other in all possible physical and spiritual needs, determined to meet under Christ’s leadership, presence and blessings.

We have learned that each person with the hope and need for the Kingdom must uncompromisingly commit all of their heart, might, mind and strength to it. We know that, though such measure of commitment sounds exhausting, it brings renewed strength, fulfillment and happiness of soul. We are assured of that. I like being assured with Christ’s own eternal promise in these impossibly confusing and unstable times. It is unexpressably good to share hearts and souls with all in the world who long to live in the warmth and security of Jesus’ eternal love.

Today, as always, we have the responsibility to provide for each other in both spiritual and physical survival and well-being as the forces of evil around the world and in our own land collaborate to destroy all that is precious and virtuous. We, as a people, have been warned by Christ to prepare a place and condition of safety and refuge for the innocent and pure-hearted of the world, and ourselves, to flee to. The righteous who choose not to take up arms against their neighbor will have this City of God to flee to. It is obviously past time to obey this commandment! God gives each of us the personal freedom and personal initiative to obey him. He did not say for any of us to wait for man’s or society’s permission to obey him in any of our personal or God-given responsibilities. That can be a lonely life except for His reassurance and EACH OTHER. Zionworks is a gathering of these individuals, committed to (and receiving) Jesus love, and the uniting of our individual resources and abilities to make the Kingdom a living reality. Yes, it is a big commitment and a lot of work. Jesus wants you and your family to survive happy and fulfilled through all of the coming disasters and into the Kingdom on the earth. Zionworks is not a church. It is a gathering of individuals from various branches and churches and some without a church for making Zion a reality. It is an environment where Christ’s love abounds and each person is loved, set free and appreciated as we work together. If The Kingdom on earth is your desire, join us at any of our meetings or events or on the website soon to be.


NEXT MEETING: This coming Sunday, March 19th at Central Branch of the Restoration Church, 919 S. Delaware, Independence in the basement fellowship hall. All are invited. The agenda will include a Watchman’s report on current world and national events that point to the need for Zion, Spring gardening, living independent of Babylon including bartering, and planning for the Atherton event. All are invited.

Kathy Williams’ class/demonstration, originally scheduled for March 25th, on canning meat has been postponed because of her present health concerns. Look for an announcement for a new date for this class. Kathy has always done a tremendous amount of preparation so her classes can be extremely high quality, informative and enabling.

MAKING ZION A REALITY! March 26th at 6:30 pm at Atherton Restoration Branch, 4910 N. Main St, Atherton, MO. This will be a joint session with Zionworks and the Atherton congregation. It will be very informative. Both groups will explain their goals and mission and set out to work together to apply Christ’s directions in these last days. All are invited. There will be much information exchanged and a Q&A session.

NEEDED: Zionworks needs helpers. As larger and larger numbers of people recognize the urgent need for Zion and as people are fleeing from treachery around the world, this place of safety and refuge needs to come together under Christ’s directions. Those desirous to live in safety by Christ’s love need the Kingdom and the Kingdom needs them.


“The giant step in the walk of faith is the one we take when we decide God no longer is a part of our lives. He IS our life.”
Beth Moore

“Some of the best things I love about Zionworks are meeting people of like Zion-building desires, establishing friendships and working together.”
Debi Waters

“If you live Zion, it is Zion”
Annie Webb

For any questions or comments,
please contact 816-690-8464 or 816-694-2284

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