Thursday, March 30, 2023


 From: Zionworkz



To all people God calls “His own”. Dear friends,

What do you suppose the world population was at the time of the great flood and the ark? Is there some respectable estimate out there? I would like to know. What is clear, though, is that only EIGHT people were on board when God closed the door. If you were one of the eight, you would have known and loved hundreds or more of those who dis-qualified themselves for survival. They would have been your family, probably, among them, your parents, your children, your siblings, your friends, church people, priesthood, craftsmen, industrious people, families, community leaders, doctors, nurses, teachers, charismatic people with influence…similar to the types and distribution of folks today.

Influential people were then, as today, responsible for dissuading great masses from believing the truth. They all drowned, influencers and influenced, never to weaken the faithful or the Message again. Imagine the grief and horror of witnessing and knowing of the agony and death of so many that you dearly loved and had prayed for and witnessed to. Would there have been any joy or self-satisfaction in surviving? Any self-righteousness? But consider the facts. The eight that survived were those that believed God’s words so sincerely and personally that their efforts were concentrated entirely on God.

It had to have been an extreme heart ache, remaining totally and uncompromisingly dedicated to God and his work while wondering if your loved ones were going live or die---while making your life a witness to them. When the prophesied disaster struck, only eight survived. It may not be reasonable to expect many, even those closest to us or those held in high esteem, to understand the expedience of preparing, gathering and obeying for the coming flood of international and local disaster…and building the way out of this prophesied and inevitable destruction. It is still expected of us, though, to keep personally focused and prayerful in our determination to perform that which Christ has given us to do. There must always be hope, and prayers, that larger numbers of individuals will be gathered by God to build his kingdom.

The ark today is the Kingdom on the earth, a place of safety and refuge for the preservation of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and those of the world who will attach themselves to it. This is a very serious business and we must not think of it in any lesser terms than God’s. Consider that our eternal Father’s plan and vision for Zion is not a theory. With Him (and thus it is so) it is a concrete reality with all of its major and minor parts, to the last detail and last person, in place and operating. Does God expect anything less of us?

Jesus is instructing us that now is the time for action, not more words, not more officious rhetoric and pontification, not more self-importance and imaginary status. It is the time for action, your action---because Zion will not come to reality by any other means.


I will make mention of the preparedness Guide again because it is compiled clearly and logically from scripture and Prophesy. In other words, it is specific warnings from scripture directly to you. It therefore describes conditions, events and catastrophes that exist and are advancing world-wide and nation-wide today. God said to watch and listen. The Preparation Guide makes that a little more easy and relevant. It also contains interesting, practical and easy-to-use lists and, in the back, a short topical concordance. Ask for it and we will email you a copy. It is also downloadable in the website, which will be made public very soon.


WORK DAY: HELP NEEDED. This coming Saturday, 10:00 AM at Central Branch, 919 S. Delaware, Independence. We will be removing graffiti from the north bricks and cleaning the fellowship hall. We should be done in time to have lunch at Rancho’s in Susquehanna!

GARDENING WITH GOD: This coming Sunday at 2:00 PM at Central Branch 919 S. Delaware, Independence in the basement fellowship hall. Special guests, Dave and Julie Atkins, will be presenting an illustrated seminar on prolific gardening with minimized effort. There will be time for your questions, answers and discussion. If there is adequate time, there will also be a report on world and national events and their place in prophesy and warning. If there is still time remaining, there will be discussion and cooperative planning for off-grid (get-out-of-Babylon) living. Remember to bring any items that you think would be useful, interesting or fun to trade or barter after adjournment. There will be a table for barter items.

APRIL 9th: There will not be a meeting.

NEXT MEETING: April 16. Time and place to be announced soon.


CONTACT: We welcome any questions or comments. 

Contact 816-690-8464, 816-694-2284,


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