Friday, September 29, 2023

Prayers for Silas


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To:Garland Schnack
Fri, Sep 29 at 8:01 PM


From: Aria Larson

Prayers for Silas

On Friday September 22nd we had our beautiful son join our family. Early during My pregnancy, I had genetic testing done at my first OB appointment and found out I was a carrier for a mutated gene that could cause (Spinal Muscle Atrophy). It's caused by a lack of survival motor neuron protein, that's key for muscle development and movement. Without this protein, motor neurons die off. With no signals from the central nervous system, muscles get weaker and weaker. It can be a fast or slower process but you're looking at the ability to walk and other milestone markers in a child or worse case it shuts down enough of the musculatory system that would also affect his respiratory system and cause him to not breath and leave us much sooner. That's the short snippet on what it is.

I was told when I was a carrier not to worry because the dad also has to be a carrier for it to be a possibility to pass it to the child. Even with both parents having it, it is a 25% chance or 1 in 10,000 chance that Silas would be affected. So we continued through pregnancy prayerful for our son that he would not be hit by this condition and had administration done for him a week or so before he was born. When he was born they did his newborn screening and it has already come back to us on Wednesday that he has Spinal Muscle Atrophy.

Our biggest dreams in bringing him into the world were to take him on all of our many worldwide travels, hiking, skiing and biking and now all of this is on the line. His future may look drastically different than what we were ever prepared for. Both Stephen and I are holding on that God is a God of miracles and is still working amongst his children. Even though we had prayed all through pregnancy and had administration done doesn't mean that it is too late for him to heal Silas just because he is here now. Just like Jesus tarrying before coming to Lazarus's grave 4 days later. We still believe he will show up for Silas.

We have been re-reading through as many scriptures on faith as we can and we know it says asking and believing you shall receive. We are having another administration done this Sunday at church before our appointment with Children's Mercy on Monday. We are doing all we can in our home to prepare for a miracle. However we feel that we can't do it alone. We need the prayers of all the saints for our son Silas and not just from our own branch. We have been fasting breakfast, praying and reading scripture. We would love to ask the saints to pray for a complete healing from SMA and that when we get more testing on him done Monday that the Doctors will find that he is healed and if they feel so inclined to fast as well we know in scripture that pleases God. We need all of the prayers we can get.

I am a desperate new mother pleading to God to heal my son and know that He truly is our only hope. 

Thank you,
Aria Larson


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