Thursday, March 25, 2021


From: paul gage


MARCH 25, 2021 

To All the Saints on Planet Earth,

 How is your march toward God's Kingdom going? Many Saints have marched before us and handed the torch of the Gospel down to us. Often when we hear the word, "march" we think of a marching band. A group of musicians who train themselves to move at a goodly pace while still playing their instruments. Quite an accomplishment. While the march toward the  Kingdom is different from the marching band, at the same time, we are called to "keep up the pace" while still carrying on with our duties and responsibilities. The scriptures define that as keeping the faith and enduring to the end.

 It is usually very easy to "spot" someone who is marching out of step or playing out of tune. Unfortunately, many times we are very eager to make sure they know it, while often overlooking the times we do the same thing. All the fasting, praying, and studying we might do will not accomplish our purposes unless we are living the Gospel to the very best of our ability. It will not be a pleasant experience for those who say, "Lord, Lord," but do not obey God's commandments. Jesus, himself, in Matthew 7:29-37 does not leave any doubt as to what He expects of those who claim and proclaim to be His disciples.

 As we continue on our journey toward the Kingdom, let us ask ourselves, "Am I building on the Rock or on the sand?" One day each of us will be judged by God. One day, we are told, we will learn obedience, even if it is by the things we suffer. D&C 102:1-2. It will go much better for each of us if we seriously examine ourselves and correct the flaws. Yes, we each have them according to Romans 3:10 and 23. If you don't think you have any flaws, ask your best friend, whether that be Jesus or someone else.  A "best" friend will almost always be totally honest with you.

 Musicians, soldiers, medical personnel, etc all have to be very diligent in their training and tasks if they are to be successful. Thus it is vital that we continue diligent in our fasting, praying and studying for the Kingdom of God. It does not matter what obstacles the adversary, the world, or sometimes our own friends or relatives put in our path to the Kingdom. As the hymn says, "Keep Your Eyes Upon JESUS. Look full in HIS wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of HIS glory and grace. Another hymn states, "Be faithful, weary pilgrim, the morning I can see. Just lift your cross and follow close to ME."​​

 The Conference of Restoration Elders (CRE) currently has two study guides in process. One is entitled, Sixty Days of Focus on Jesus. The other is related to the Spring Gathering April 9 and 10, 2021. The Sixty Days Guide will end Friday, March 26, 2021. The second one will go through the Spring gathering and conclude April 10, 2021. These are on the CRE A  new study guide, SEVENTY DAYS OF DEVOTIONS will run April 11-June 19, 2021.   

 God bless and keep you

 Paul Gage

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