Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 From: Zionworkz




Dear saints and all people God calls His People,

The events coming up are so exciting as Zionic breakthroughs that I considered posting the events before the message content. You will find these events after the next four short paragraphs.

Over the years I’ve heard, some from history and some firsthand, many accounts of group Zionic attempts and “total consecration” groups that dwindled away or ended in disillusion or worse. Saving accounts, dreams and friendships were lost. How did these ventures go wrong? In every case there was probably some greed, some Annanias and Saphira, some ignorance of scripture, some lapse in dedication and some lack of “all heart, might, mind and strength.” In considering the scriptures’ directions to still obey and establish Zion, we are justifiably hesitant, knowing the likelihood of repeating the devastating loss, recognizing our own and others’ flawed character. Though I believe the scriptures are accurate, what person can honestly claim to have envisioned Zion exactly as it will be? This is a true dilemma. Yet again, the scriptures are clear and the signs of the times are well upon us, strongly if not decisively, that Zion is urgent now…God’s Zion, God’s rules, God’s love acted out in each person…The Kingdom On The Earth.

Do we want to know the answer to this dilemma? Could it be that we must accept the fact that LIFE IS STRUGGLE, that life’s norm is unfairness and often tragedy? It is the determined and focused enduring toward a goal despite heartbreak , setbacks and tragedy that brings triumph? Is it mighty faith in the midst of naysayers and scoffers and even those closest to you? Yes, IT IS ALL OF THOSE THINGS. Will you be tested and tried to the edge of your endurance? YES. Does God require ALL OF YOUR HEART, MIGHT, MIND AND STRENGTH? What less does He ask of you?

Now, considering the extent of our struggles thus far, our determination to endure more struggle in our part in Zion, and the prophesied degradation and tragedy that we’re in the midst of, it is evident that we may truly be on the verge of Zion…if we are willing to endure, with Christ’s strength as the resource. Probably no worthwhile goal or achievement in history has ever been accomplished without the determination to give all of one’s life for it.

Currently in the works as an outstanding and exciting present-day event is a gathering to be hosted by Outreach Restoration Branch for learning and for open discussion for applying ourselves to the actualization of Zion. This event could be called ZION AND THE APPLIED SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL EFFORT REQUIRED FOR ITS REALITY. Outreach branch has for some time been dedicated, without compromise, to the actualization of Zion. This will be at 6:00 PM on February 16th. See more below in “upcoming events”.



Kathy says:
Next class at Saints Haven Restoration Branch in Sibley will be Feb 25th, Saturday, at 2pm. Will talk a little more extensively about grains, will grind our wheat, yes some grinders will be there, will bake basic wheat bread from scratch, maybe rye or play with sourdough bread, and make flat bread of some sort. Virginia Fry will show us how to make tortillas. She has a press, and I will also by then. Have 2 Kitchen aid mixers and 4 ovens so we can have several things going at once. May have a fire ring going and if it is nice, will bake bread on a stick. It will run as long as it takes and as much as anyone is willing to stay...About 20 hands raised for that class, I can repeat the class if needed.

I think that 20 people limit would be good for this group due to space and machines availability and the kitchen is small. I will run a second group in short order if necessary...only if necessary. There is so much to teach. I should have a list and have people check what their interests are. I didn’t get all the names of those who came. ‘Should have sent a sheet around for contact list....

Februrary 25th , Saturday, 2 pm til done

Basic Bread baking class

Grains and uses (in depth)

We will grind grain for our bread

Yeast and use of cultures (sourdough)

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (will make)

Unleavened bread, Ezekiel bread,

Flat breads, we will learn to make

tortillas, Have several presses

Baking bread dough over open fire

Recipes to get you started to take home

There will be Handouts

This is a hands on, skill building class.

20 spaces available.

Class will be repeated in the event we go over 20 for the class on Sat Feb 25th

Other classes I am willing to do:

Butchering and processing Chickens (canning)

Wild Forgaing for food and medicinals

Salve making, tinctures

Making Laundry Soap

Glassing Eggs for Long term preservation

Making Cheeses (cottage, soft herb, mozzarella)

Processing wool, spinning

Weaving (have 7 looms in my basement)

Would be an ongoing class fall and winterand more...this enough to start...

Must RSVP Kathy Williams by February 22, 2023 or 816-510-1380

It would be very helpful if one or more of us attending Kathy’s class would take pictures and video.


NEXT ZIONWORKS MEETING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2:00 PM at Central Branch of The Restoration Church, 919 S. Delaware, Independence, in the basement fellowship hall.

All interested people are invited. The agenda will include SPRING PLANTING, growing small and large livestock, off-grid tips and techniques, revving up our survival teams on food, water, sanitation, etc., trading of produce and labor, BARTERING and planning service projects. Central Branch invites you to their church services starting at 9:45 and pot luck after church services.

ZION AND THE APPLIED SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL EFFORT REQUIRED FOR ITS REALITY. An evening of revealing Zion’s needs and nature to be applied by God’s people. Followed by open discussion. Sunday, February 26th, 6:00 PM at Outreach Restoration Branch, 723 S. Crysler Ave., Independence. Also, all are invited to attend Outreach’s class starting at 4:00 and/or to bring a light personal meal to eat before the 6:00 event.


Look at a serious group of people building off-grid Christian communities. Lots of practical and proven how-to’s.

Recent broadcasts on Brighteon and Rumble

Doug and Stacey on you tube. They have an interesting off-grid farm in Missouri. Christian, very practical.

Search for this video: “Nebraska retiree uses earth’s heat to oranges in snow”

Come to Zionworks meetings to meet resourceful people and exchange knowledge and ideas.


Computer and website person needed.

Though Zionworks is small at this time, we need teams operating and equipped as much as possible to organize, lead and teach as larger numbers of people come to understand the urgency of Zion. People, even now are beginning to flee from danger and destruction, if they can. Those desirous to abide by Christ’s principles of love need The Kingdom and The Kingdom needs them.

“And they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another, both temporally and spiritually, according to their needs and wants.” Mosiah 9:64


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