Friday, October 1, 2021

Out of the Box Women's Encounter Encouragement

From: Muriel Luedeman

Out of the Box Women's Encounter Encouragement
Hello, Sisters,

This morning I woke up listening to the Lord give me answers to the question about why He wants us to hold this OUT OF THE BOX WOMEN'S ENCOUNTER. He wanted me to share something of Himself with us all. 

Women are multi-faceted and multi-skilled beings. We have many passions and concerns we work with daily. These times are very difficult. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the enormous number of needs we see. More needs are on the horizon. 

Without giving the whole OUT OF THE BOX experience away, one of God's main goals is to help women determine the one integral thing He has prepared us to focus on for this season. Not that we can't and won't work in other areas; He wants us to become knowledgeable and experienced at an expert level in one special thing in order to gain the greatest assurance while we work, the greatest joy and satisfaction, and see measurable results that lead to victory. What WE might choose to do may be quite different than God would have us do. He knows us better than anyone else, even ourselves. He has groomed us for this time and we may, or may not know what we are created to do best, right here, right now. Is this where you're at? Trying to figure out what God is saying to you and calling you to do? For a season, there is something God wants you to do TODAY. Our calling is to follow Jesus, but our assignments are different and will change over time. The Women's Encounter is designed to uncover what our special purpose is for this time.

When we focus on one thing we still have time for our families. Our one assignment causes us to explore that one essential work, gain the knowledge and resources available, work in it to gain the experience that makes us authorities in that field, which in turn will cause the world to listen to what we say. It will make everything we do, the smallest task we do, have Kingdom building meaning. Those little, insignificant daily things will suddenly become vitally important, and thoroughly enjoyable. And if we KNOW our main purpose, we won't be easily distracted by other needs and urgencies, which are bound to come. This is for our protection as well as for our joy and well-being. It will cut down on confusion and feelings of despair that set in when chaos abounds. The enemy will have no way of entrance into our peace and purpose. 

There will be many of us with the same gifts and purposes, so we will have comrades in our work. There will be specialists in many other fields we will be connected to and combine forces with. What comes our way that is NOT our work, God will have us pass along to those with those purposes.

OUT OF THE BOX is going to be great fun, interactive, and gently challenging. It will give us a starting point and resources to get us acquainted and keep us moving forward together. We are meant to stay connected and lean on one another in the days ahead. We must not go it alone. We need God, and we need each other. This is a new work for God's daughters, a new way of life, using old skills and ways. It is fresh and refreshing. It is a new kind of life we are embarking on together, something we have never quite experienced before, except in snatches and glimpses of life in the Kingdom. 

As the team continues its planning, we grow more and more excited every day, looking forward to OUT OF THE BOX. We can hardly wait to meet and greet all of you. If you have any questions, please call or email me. The number to call to RSVP is on the flyer attached. Feel free to send it to anyone you think will benefit from the event. 

Your sister in Christ Jesus,

Muriel Luedeman

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