Thursday, September 9, 2021


 From: Paul Gage


God's blessings upon on His Saints around the world,

As we pursue the spiritual disciplines needed in our lives, it is often good to go back and have a  short refresher course. Today we will re-examine Question nine from Earl Curry's Endowment.

Question 9
Are there any other ways beside the arising of a generation of deeply spiritual men, who by their spirituality, their demonstration of the God-blessed power of increasingly spiritual men, and their exaltation of the prophecy of things to come in the day of endowment - are there other ways that ministers and members, men and women, boys and girls, can be aroused to a compelling desire to move toward this day of endowment?

Indeed, there are many ways. Let the intensity of your interest lead you to search out these ways. He who is the wisest of the wise, the most intelligent of the intelligent, has a multitude of ways and resources which he can respond to your ever increasing outreach toward Him. The counsel that it is not meet that He command in all things implies, as well, that wonderful experiences of uplift and of insight will come to all who will utilize the gifts and power that are theirs, particularly if they do this with faith in Him. Search out these ways, under the guidance of the Spirit, and practice them one by one. Do this and as you shall climb from the valleys to the hills, from the low ridges to upper ranges, from the low mountains to the lofty peaks, verily, verily, verily you shall be made aware of the practicality, the reachableness, the high wisdom and the unfolding, glory of this concept and promise and principle of endowment.

Yes, there are other ways. There is the way of the mighty prayer. Who among you knows what it is to call on the Lord in mighty prayer? Few among the children of men, in all the ages, have known it. Is it not true that the phrase "mighty prayer" is seldom found in all the record of the scriptures? In part, mighty prayer is prayer with the utmost of your personality in it. It is prayer about the issues of the moment, about high purpose and achievement of great ideals. It is prayer for high vision, for keen insight, for expanding Godly understanding and intelligence. It is prayer of deepest thanksgiving for bounteous blessings of the past as well as an abiding trust for all that lies in the boundless future. It is prayer of deepest rejoicing for all that you know of the altogether lovable Eternal Father, for what you know about His exalted purpose, and for all that may yet come to you about both Him and His purposes. It is prayer, either in thought or written form or uttered under the hallowed influence of the Holy Spirit, remembering that He who prays in the Spirit prays according to and in harmony with the Holy One, and all that He stands for. Mighty prayer is all this and more. Such prayer will move both the individual and collective soul in the direction of that endowment which is to be, for the Great Father gladly hears and answers such. How fitting than is this hymn:

Awake, oh Israel, awake,  Call on the Lord in mighty prayer
That He your chains of bondage break,  That His glory may declare.

Awake, ye saints, the time is here When God would work in wondrous power;
The Savior's comings now draw near. Now is the foretold judgment hour.

Call on the Lord in mighty prayer,  That He lift up His servants now,
That all His people shall prepare  That He His church may soon endow.

Call on the Lord in high desire  For light and power you so much need,
For purifying holy fire  To cleanse you both in thought and deed.

Then, lo, from out His dwelling place  The Lord shall to His Temple come
To let His Spirit's boundless grace  Endow you, that His work be done.

Further, there is the way of fasting. Fasting not alone from food, from time to time, but fasting from worldly enticement which promises a fleeting and unstable enjoyment. Fasting also from mere sensual pleasures that bar you from the Spirit's presence, and that are of the moment only.  Fasting as well from earthly conversation and association.   Fasting besides from the preoccupations and low concerns of the world. Fasting of this or like nature can be entered into always.   Too much and unwise fasting from food weakens the body.  This higher sort of fasting strengthens the body, enlivens the spirit, makes room for the holy concerns, and causes all who so fast to enter into the larger life that leads toward the great endowment.

Still further, there is the way of research (study)

How many of you are completely aware of the record of God's marvelous doings? How many of you know what is written by Jesus and His prophets about preparing for this rich experience?  How many know the promises and the covenants concerning the future?  How many know how to so draw near to the merciful Father that the angels will gladly minister to you?  How many know how to so approach the great white throne that they may have communion with both the Father and the Son, as is their high promise?  0 my people, you study so much about the past that you largely neglect to study the future.  You could bring together-those people who are deeply concerned, in classes dedicated to spirit-guided research in these things -- the deeper life of the Spirit you so much need.

Besides these, there is a way, somewhat akin to what you call the scientific method.   Based upon your advancing spiritualized insights and perceptions and knowledge, set projects of effort in application of what you see.   Just as your scientific world has made great progress in the achievement of power in its field, even more shall be your achievements in the field of deeply spiritual things.

If you will prayerfully seek to discover other ways, one by one, as your wisdom and understanding and experience grow, they will open up for you.

The Lord be with you

Paul Gage

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