Friday, September 17, 2021

Women's Event for All Restoration Sisters

 From: Muriel L

Women's Event for All Restoration Sisters

Hello, My Restoration Sisters,

I am so excited to invite all of you, my sisters, to share in a special women's gathering, October 22nd and 23rd, at Living Hope Restoration Church. Attached below is a flyer with details. Praise God, and pray about your gifts, and what you can offer at this event. We need your presence, knowledge, and your desires for the Kingdom, which the Holy Spirit has been whispering to you for a period of time, of which only you know. This event is not of me, or of any of the women who are putting it together. We are hungry, longing women of several faiths who want to engage completely with God in His marvelous work and wonder. This event and its timing is directly from the Holy Spirit. It is His gift to His daughters at this pivotal time in the history of the world, the Kingdom Building Age. He has a message for us, ALL of us in the entire body of Christ. 

Women in many churches and ministries are hungry for this kind of experience. This invitation is going out to women in these churches as the Spirit makes us aware of them. We believe it is the first of its kind in this region, and perhaps anywhere. Seating is limited to 175. First come. First Served. Admission is free. I encourage you to RSVP quickly to secure your place. Debi Waters of Atherton Restoration Branch is the sister you will sign up with at 816-739-5563.

Blest be the tie that binds us together.

Muriel Luedeman

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