Friday, August 6, 2021


 From: Paul Gage


AUGUST 5, 2021


The Wonders of God's Blessings to the Saints Around the World,

 Most, if not all, camps and reunions are winding down this week. Hopefully, many Saints around the world have been able to enjoy at least part of a reunion, even if by Zoom. As we all know, camps, retreat, reunions and any time the Saints can come together for fellowship, offers great blessings.

 The Conference of Restoration Elders/Pastors of Zion reunion in June was a very good experience and can still be viewed on the CRE website, May we all continue to "Stand on the Promises of God," as there is no other assurance in the world.

 The Great Lakes reunion held at Vassar, Michigan was also a very good time for the Saints.  The theme was, "Charity, the Pure Love of Christ," Moroni 7:52. Take time to read that section in Moroni as well as I Corinthians 13 and Doctrine and Covenants 85:38.

 The challenge for each of us, every day, is to put into action the fruits of our fasting, praying, and studying and with true charity for all, live for the Kingdom of God to come soon. As evidenced at both of these reunions and I am sure at all the other events of the church this summer, the thing that will bring Zion quicker than we might imagine, is to have and demonstrate the Pure Love of  Christ within our homes and families, and amongst the branches and the network of branches in the Center Place.

 Zion is a responsibility of the Saints of the Restoration and for the world, but it cannot occur as long as branches and  Saints in the Center Place will not come together for a few Sunday nights of fellowship and worship. Rather, it might come and we might find ourselves on the outside with no oil in our lamps.

 Verses of the hymn, "We've a Story to Tell," are known by heart by most Saints. They are: We've a story to tell to the nations, We've a song to be sung to the nations, We've a message to give to the nations, and We've a SAVIOR to show to the nations.

 Even with all our fasting, praying, and studying, what story, song, message or Savior do we have to share with the world, even, in the Center Place, if there continues to be the separation of Restoration Branches and seemingly, apathy among many Saints? Is I Corinthians just idle words? Was the Apostle Paul just kidding in verses 1-3? Was Jesus playing games with His followers in Matthew 6:13 and 16? Remember what follows fasting, praying, and studying in the title of this paper? What is the "new commandment" Jesus gave in John 13:34-35?

 God bless each one of you with His Spirit, that we might love as He loves us. Remember, love, forgiveness, and reconciliation work together for the Glory of God.

 Paul Gage

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