Saturday, August 21, 2021

Judi Smith - Update

 From: Brian Mundy

Judi Smith - Update
I just received this message from Doug Smith.

Just wanted to update you on Judi’s condition. We were in a car accident at 11:30 Am our time today. The car hit Judi’s side of our car, and she has a head injury, several broken ribs that necessitated chest tube placement, some fractures of her lower back vertebrae in non-vital areas (so no spinal cord or nerve injury), and a pelvic fracture, she is stable now, and admitted to the ICU at Aga Khan hospital in Kisumu. I was not injured at all, so I was able to supervise getting her to the hospital, and ensuring proper care. She is resting now on pain meds, and is stable. I am spending the night here at the hospital to monitor things. As of now she does not require any surgery, and prayers are appreciated! Feel free to pass the word along, as I know a lot of rumors can get started!

Brian K. Mundy
Bradlech Construction, LLC

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